Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [vb base] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 FORMER Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher now pockets more every minute than the unemployed get in a week .
2 CHESTER-based Paul Affleck and South African Ian Palmer both joined Ian Woosnam on the 67 mark in the first round of the Honda Open in Hamburg yesterday .
3 It is difficult to exaggerate how many eggs the French have in the EC-German basket .
4 The following have in the past been regarded as a natural user of land ; water installations in a house or flat , a fire in a domestic grate , burning stubble in the normal course of agriculture , electric wiring and gas pipes in a house or shop , the ordinary working of mines and minerals on land , erecting or pulling down houses or walls , trees whether planted or self-sown ( if not poisonous ) .
5 In the CytR binding site , the substitutions in the five mutant promoters are indicated , the inverted arrows indicate the inverted repeat in the CytR binding site and the tandem arrows indicate the direct repeat .
6 The arrows indicate the sequences in the CRP sites that share homology with the consensus CRP site , the boxes indicate the sequences sharing homology with the inverted repeat in the CytR recognition sequence in deoP2 , the numbers indicate coordinates with respect to the start site for transcription ( +1 ) .
7 We shall be deeply involved in the 1992 process in the months and years ahead , and our monthly bulletin European Information Service will give high priority to keeping UK local authorities in touch with developments .
8 Visitors can see the Great Keep in the centre of the fortress as well as a rare Roman lighthouse , a Saxon church and a network of ancient earthworks .
9 But with the MCI deal in the bag , BT will no longer need a licence ; its American services can be sold via MCI .
10 The cellular density of the inflammatory infiltrate in the mucosa may affect phospholipid composition , as has been reported for colon mucosa .
11 Now it was the end of a disappointing Tour , he was somewhere around the 50 mark in the rankings , running out of money , and talking about going home .
12 He then ran back to his position , foolishly had another go at the midfielder with his elbow and was given the first dip in the Chester bath .
13 McLeish knew roughly what it would be like from Francesca 's description of her own Department , but he was still interested in the controlled bustle in the big untidy room .
14 In addition to , you can cancel the CLi command in the normal way by pressing the /; or .
15 It was a notable achievement by 24-year-old Stich , who has slipped from third to 15th in the world rankings since his 1991 Wimbledon triumph , while Krajicek , with the biggest serve in the world game , is the up and coming star , having just moved into the top 10 .
16 Particular ‘ the relation to one as distinguished from another ’ ( O.E.D. ) The question now to be asked is where does the art of the particular begin in the creation of style ?
17 The catholic meet in the middle of the night I think do n't they .
18 The two co-exist as memories of their cultures , with a healthy clash where the two collide in the entrance foyer .
19 FIG. 1 The 1989 glitch in the Crab pulsar .
20 Dr Martin Knapp , Deputy Director , Personal Social Services Research Unit , University of Kent I am going to talk about the programme of pilot , projects described in " Care in the Community : The First Steps The starting point for that was the 1983 Care in the community circular which referred only to England and built on the Department of Health 's Care in the community consultative document of 1981 .
21 A report from a Tajikta correspondent on March 8 said that he had been stripped of his deputy 's immunity by a two-thirds vote in the Supreme Soviet and arrested in the parliament building .
22 ‘ I can only assure you that you have the wrong person , Mr Wyatt ; there are many models , and more than a few work in the Midlands , and several must have other business interests .
23 Dance night : Crook RAOB holds a 50/50 dance in the Civic Hall tonight ( Saturday ) at 8pm .
24 Since then General Electric has paid $150million for a half stake in the Hungarian light bulb manufacturer Tunsgram and General Motors has decided to build an engine plant there .
25 In spite of his admiration for Baron of Buchlyvie , and having been so keen to purchase it , Kilpatrick sold a half share in the horse to his rival , William Dunlop .
26 If it was , her children have a half share in the two properties .
27 By leaving him a half share in the house , I feel I am achieving two objects .
28 While neither the National Union nor the peers could have a direct say in the choice of leader it was nevertheless thought desirable , if only for reasons of tact , to know their views .
29 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
30 We represent over four million levy paying members , the trade unions that is , and it 's only right that they should have a proper say in the election of the Lad Labour leader , not just the thirty percent as is being suggested here .
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