Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just the Scottish and an English ?
2 After the sheriff 's judgment , there was an indication from the fiscal that an appeal would be lodged .
3 It is certainly true that one strand at least in a Northumbrian view of the past seems to have thought of Nechtanesmere as destroying the position of military dominance originally achieved by Eadwine in the first half of the seventh century ( HE II , 5 ) , whereas Eadwine 's ascendancy over the Britons in Wales had disappeared by the mid-630s and an overlordship of the southern English kingdoms , restored only temporarily in the late 650s , was lost long before 685 ( see above , p. 85 ) .
4 But it is not until the 1840s that an awareness , not only of the gulf between rich and poor , but of its dangerous significance in the lurid light of revolution , comes into being .
5 Food-sharing , or trophallaxis , allied with the power of pheromones to trigger patterns of action , is the regulatory bond which gives the colony its aura of the miraculous and an account in these terms is wholly sufficient .
6 But if potential risk-takers are assured that success will immediately invite investigation by the MMC and an order to cut prices and eliminate excess profits , there will be less risk-taking in the economy .
7 He also seems to have donated his belt and hose , as a twelfth-century account of their treasures lists a girdle made from the one and an alb decorated with gold thread from the other .
8 Those who see the former as an end in itself … insofar as they comprise the present leadership of the NICRA … may be expected to lose interest as rights are gained .
9 And Diana was told that her request for a divorce was almost the same as an abdication .
10 Is there a molecule that weighs the same as an oxygen atom ?
11 An intent to cause injury by shock is sufficient and apparently means the same as an intent to cause injury to the person ( R v Rapier [ 1980 ] Crim LR 48 ) .
12 An intent ‘ not to lose ’ , is NOT the same as an intent to ‘ get a draw ’ .
13 They verified both predictions , and calculated the effective mass of a moving soliton. it is about the same as an electron 's mass .
14 This account , though it applies much more widely , is essentially the same as an explanation of these social phenomena which goes back at least to Hume , who accounted for ‘ the artificial virtues of chastity and modesty in women ’ by referring to the naturally greater disposition of males to protect children that they believe to be their own .
15 The period around the 12th is likely to bring negative responses or sour grapes , culminating with the Full Moon on the 16th when an argument or heart-to-heart will take place .
16 Short-term benefits derive from crime prevention amongst the young and an improvement in their perception of the police , which it is hoped will have residual effects in the long term when they are adults , but the wider community in Easton is only addressed secondarily as parents or guardians , which limits the short-term effects the programme might have on improving its perception of the police .
17 By May 1341 all he had got out of parliament was a resolution to collect the rest of the ninth and an offer of an extra 10,000 sacks of wool ; no new money was granted .
18 It is not necessary to suppose that the design of a body or organ is the best that an engineer could conceive of .
19 Their father died when George was three years old , and the strongest influence on him , until she died when he was thirty-four , was his mother Magdalene , the patroness of John Donne , who wrote a well-known poem to her : Donne , in preaching her funeral sermon , described how , ‘ as her house was a court in the conversation of the best and an almshouse in feeding the poore , so it was also a hospital in ministering relief to the sick .
20 She would n't be here now , dressed to the nines for an evening that would be about as thrilling as an attack of flu , if she had n't again responded in anger to her emotions .
21 U-2 spy planes monitored civil rights demonstrations in the 1960s and an elite army Green Beret unit was in Memphis when King was shot and killed .
22 The first practical measures of educational extension were instituted during the 1850s and 1860s when London degrees were opened to all who could pass an " external " examination , but it was only towards the end of the 1860s that an emphasis on English language , literature , and history became an important feature of the process of extension .
23 In such cases the most that an employer could hope for was that by his treatment of his workers he could obtain some minimal loyalty .
24 This spell enables the caster to transport a friendly or an enemy unit or a single model up to 18″ across the table in any direction .
25 I mean , even if you go for a , a Chinky or an Indian it 's
26 In shape no bigger than an agate stone
27 Some search consultants span these two worlds and have both a functional and an industry discipline .
28 For one of them the reason may lie no deeper than an ignorance of who God is , with all his Father 's love as the Bible and Jesus reveal him .
29 Carrying through life a heavy sense that early separation from Ottery had left him no better than an orphan , Coleridge took comfort in believing that his own grandfather had been an orphan before him , a nameless , parentless child , discovered beneath a Devon sky .
30 ‘ If he wants to behave no better than an animal , then let him wallow in it , ’ she told him , and no amount of cajoling would persuade her otherwise .
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