Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All of us as women have the right and and the ability to give birth , that is if we can , there 's nothing , er , medically wrong with us but then added to that there are those who have the ability to be good mothers , un unfortunately I do n't happen to fall into that category .
2 IT IS not irrational for a jury to decide that the first of two co-accused acted in concert with the second but that the second co-accused did not act in concert with the first , because the case against each accused must be considered separately and there may be evidence which is admissible against one but not the other .
3 Darren Brine , who had a fine game , had a good run down the left and when the ball was worked into the midfield , ‘ Click ’ Clarke was on hand to hammer it home .
4 After that he was backed for the National and although the urbane Gaselee is not prone to hyperbole he feels that , if he reproduces that Haydock run , Party Politics will take all the beating .
5 Parents seem to believe either that the less said the better or that the reasons are obvious and do not need explaining .
6 She denied it but did not tell him she had seen him fighting with the pedlar or that the man had chased her and Oliver in Nice .
7 Averment that everything necessary happened to entitle the plaintiff to have the said testator pay to him eighteen of the yearly sums of £150 and that the time therefore elapsed after he had married Ellen Nicholl and during the testator 's lifetime and that plaintiffs annual income from his profession as a Chancery barrister never amounted to 600 guineas ; that the testator paid 12 of the 18 annual sums and part of the thirteenth but that the residue of that and the 5 subsequent instalments were due and unpaid .
8 Admittedly the former supplied twice as many houses as the latter but if the fatal cases of cholera during the entire epidemic are taken in proportion to the houses supplied , it will be seen that there were 610 deaths out of 10,000 houses supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall company , whereas there were only 1 19 out of 10,000 supplied by the Lambeth Company .
9 Western science — like our medicine — is notoriously dismissive of anything that smacks of the spiritual life that our civilisation seems so carelessly to have thrown away.Yet if we are to survive for another thousand years , we desperately need to rediscover this aspect of being human ; not only as a reaction to the yuppie ‘ me first ’ generation of the Eighties but as the only means of re-establishing the synergy between man and planet.This requires a radical shift in our attitudes .
10 It must be hoped that in the 1990s the nature of the modern business cycle is different from what it was in the 1920s and that the long-term devastation caused by Britain 's return to the Gold Standard will not be repeated .
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12 This growing feeling during the first half of 1937 that the forces of fascism were very much on the offensive and that the initiative was gradually slipping away from the Republican cause was abruptly and symbolically confirmed in July 1937 .
13 Regarding the strikes , disputes and restrictive practices which had plagued the Dublin plant , these were all unfortunate legacies of the British system which had been foisted upon the Irish since before the First World War .
14 7.10 ( a ) Simple , transformer , ratio-arm bridge and ( b ) the same except that an autotransformer is used .
15 In Scotland , the structure was very much the same except that the number of people resident in the various categories of local authorities tended , on average , to be smaller and there was no third tier equivalent to the parish council .
16 Well , maybe not exactly the same because although the basic pattern of the game does n't change , it does get a darn sight harder .
17 Output thereafter went up so that the women were earning about the same as before the job was changed .
18 Well no it 's erm the same as and the stuff .
19 The sound itself is the same as when a horse answers , ‘ Yes , I 'm here ! ’ , but the sound is also the same as when the horse neighs , ‘ Hurry up with my dinner ! ’
20 The sound itself is the same as when a horse answers , ‘ Yes , I 'm here ! ’ , but the sound is also the same as when the horse neighs , ‘ Hurry up with my dinner ! ’
21 Further , erosion does not cease above a nick point , so that the form above that point may not be the same as when the river was rejuvenated , especially if climatic change has occurred .
22 Wide Work , despite the richness and width of the vein — 6 ft. and more in places — was much the same as when the " German " miners had left it .
23 Even if there are no formal agreements to interfere with the market , implicit understandings may be reached , in which case the behaviour of the firms involved might , in practice , be the same as if a formal agreement had existed .
24 If the magnetic field is moved with a velocity -v the force on the charges is the same as if the wire moved with a velocity v , and we have managed to prove all that from Maxwell 's equations .
25 Thus if a bailee negligently allows goods in his charge to be destroyed the plaintiff 's loss is just the same as if the bailee had wrongfully sold them to a third party but there is no conversion because the negligent ( as opposed to deliberate ) destruction is not an assertion of any rights in the goods .
26 If the government then levies a tax on the use of capital in the X sector at the same rate , this means that the choice of factor intensity in that sector is the same as if the factor prices were w and r .
27 If these apply and if , for example , the loans are redeemed using equal annual instalments of principal , then the revenue charge will be exactly the same as if an asset was depreciated using straight-line depreciation and any loan repayments were merely balance sheet transfers .
28 This argument assumes that the amount of electricity consumed in each final quarter is the same and that the price per unit of electricity is the same .
29 and er there is some evidence that the two words are the same and that the original name of God was and that God was the sun and again there is evidence of sun worship er in the Bible .
30 If it was n't exactly political pessimism of the order of ‘ mourir pour Danzig ’ it must have been alarming for Americans to hear from High Commissioner Pignon 's diplomatic adviser of the feeling that French interests were not important enough to die for because the country was being given over to the Vietnamese and when the war was over French influence would have disappeared .
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