Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [vb pp] off " in BNC.

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1 I am particularly amused and pleased to have the emotional faucet turned off — no matter what other one you turn on .
2 If post modernism is a critical theory with the working class written off , then post-modernization is authoritarian corporatist administration of urban issues with the working class written out .
3 A fox earth can be located from a considerable distance downwind by the pungent smell given off .
4 I wonder if Daedalus , or anyone else for that matter , has thought about the annoying glare given off by those ubiquitous orange sodium street lamps .
5 The smell , coming from the rear of a building , might easily have been the unpleasant odour given off by a dustbin in need of emptying .
6 In one of these , Agdistis , a hermaphrodite , born of the seed of Zeus and Mother Earth , is castrated by having the male genitals torn off through being tied to a tree a not exactly common method , the reader will agree .
7 When a bat detects heat it is actually sensing the infra-red radiation given off by a warm body .
8 The ventral arm plates are hexagonal , almost pentagonal but with the proximal angle squared off , to nearly square and contiguous .
9 an electro cardiograph , it 's a tracing of the electrical il impulses from the heart given off by the heart and this chap came in he 'd never had one before and he was nervous anyway , so I 'm trying to put him at his ease and I , I put , you have to put like a rubber band round their arms and legs and attach erm electrodes to them , you do n't feel anything , you 're only measuring the electrical impulses given off by the heart
10 Distillation is another , in which flowers are boiled in water , and the essential oil given off in the steam is collected and condensed by cooling .
11 Similarly , the gaseous molecules given off by plants may be smelt by us humans , but can be identified by some insects from their characteristic infrared emissions .
12 Its spectrographs can analyse the ultraviolet light given off and absorbed by stars , galaxies , gas-clouds and other celestial paraphernalia , something which earthbound observers can not do because of the ozone layer .
13 In view of the changes in glucose tolerance in pregnancy Lind has recommended that for a 75 g glucose tolerance test the two hour cut off should be 9 mmol/l and for the one hour test , 10.5 mmol/l .
14 He saw Dad feeling his way down the last flight of stairs , the pyjamas , the slippers , the blue cardigan cut off just above the elbows , feeling his way through some kind of thick barbiturate mist .
15 The stainless steel split pins were then removed from the 14 castellated nuts and the main caps drawn off with a length of 1/2″ BSF threaded rod and a large section of channel .
16 The sparks says you ca n't get it out , it 's like having an umbrella opened up in there , you have to have the whole doings chopped off in hospital .
17 In Conspiration Nizan ironically refers to school life as a barrack-room existence cut off from the reality of the outside world .
18 There were rumours that a pied-billed grebe had settled on ‘ Little Sea ’ , a freshwater lagoon cut off from the coast by the gradual build-up of sand dunes .
19 The worst problem is that the combination of silt , moss and leaves , along with a few chippings washed off of flat roof , can cause soakaways to get blocked , thereby reducing the flow at times when it 's needed most .
20 ‘ It 's not right for politicians to offer a sanitised campaign cut off from the people they 're asking to elect them , ’ he said .
21 According to WWF team leader John McKinnon , the reserve is " like a lost world cut off from the rest of Indo-China " .
22 The landed gentry of Europe have become a leisured class cut off from the peasantry and increasingly divorced from the authority of scripture .
23 A BOSNIAN town cut off for ten months by Serb forces was reached by a United Nations convoy yesterday after relief supplies were allowed through Serb lines .
24 sort of get that er sort of er get a , a neat copy run off we might be able to get it down for repro to reprographics in time for er Tuesday week with a bit of luck
25 a toxic emission given off from car exhausts
26 These ‘ happy homes ’ are meant to give old people a sense of dignity and worth , but in reality they live in a privatised world cut off from both family and the wider community .
27 Rectal dialysis bags were made from inch Visking Tubing ( Medicell ) with a molecular weight cut off of 12000–14000 filled with Rheomacrodex ( Pharmacia ) as previously described .
28 If that was where Harry had died , there should have been a big area quarantined off with tape .
29 For example , though the use of under 75 years standardised mortality ratio is more sensitive to regional variations , any measure of death rates with an absolute age cut off will be dominated by the mortality experience of men who have a shorter average life expectancy .
30 Nothing could be more provocative to Tolkien than a word without a referent ( emnet , wodwos , Gandálfr , ent ) , except perhaps an ancient poem written off by modern scholars as hopelessly irrational .
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