Example sentences of "[art] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Still rattled , she walked away from the cab , leaving the remain in the front seat .
2 An experienced speech therapist might find it useful to employ the EAT as an initial screening device , while reserving the Goldman-Fristoe for a more detailed assessment prior to devising a programme of therapy .
3 They do n't mind helping you out getting the diverts in the right position , because the last thing they want is to put the calls through to the wrong person .
4 ( First Edition ) ‘ MEN and women of metal ( mettle ? ) must come together to cheat the wind , ’ shouted the voiceover on the incomprehensible video , to the accompaniment of crashing cymbals and lurid flashing lights .
5 Van Dijk ( 1977:80 ) suggests that we tend , for example , to move from the general to the particular ; the whole to the part ; the including to the included ; the large to the small ; the outside to the inside .
6 At their elbows stand the ghosts of the fallen in the first world war , reminding them of that earlier occasion when so many ministers preached uncritical political guidance from their pulpits .
7 Sometimes called Scotland 's Disgrace , because it was never finished for lack of funds , this fragment of a memorial to the fallen in the Napoleonic War was intended to be a facsimile of the parthenon .
8 Then inversion of the expressions so obtained for the transforms of the dependent variables gives the viscoelastic solution for these variables .
9 They are the spearhead of the Imperial army , capable of shattering almost any enemy line under the right circumstances .
10 Muslim nationalists were encouraged to see themselves as the spearhead of the anti-colonial movement , and Lenin himself addressed their congress ( in November 1919 ) .
11 Professor Roger Scruton made himself the spearhead of the academic attack , especially in his Peace Studies : A Critical Survey ( with Baroness Cox , 1984 ) , and Education and Indoctrination ( with Angela Ellis-Jones and Dennis O'Keefe , 1985 ) .
12 Lt.-Col. Hoffman von Waldau , the Chief-of-Staff of X Corps , which now formed the spearhead on the Right Bank , opened with a thoroughly gloomy report .
13 A As you have had such success in breeding your fish , and raising the fry to a reasonable size , you can not be judged to be doing anything wrong .
14 To have any chance of raising the fry to a reasonable size , you will have to transfer them to a separate aquarium .
15 Move all the Tanganyikans except the fry to the new tank ?
16 Should we separate the fry from the other fish ?
17 A few drops of liquifry should be added shortly after the eggs hatch to start an infusoria bloom in the tank ; alternatively you can culture this in a separate container and feed it to the fry from the 5th day .
18 ( Gabriella 's family would retain close links with Iran ; her brother Vittrio Emanuele represented Bell helicopters and other companies in the says of the great boom ) .
19 The foot-army from Levenmouth is coming up through Glen Farg and expects to cross the Earn at the nearest main ford and march to their friends here at Scone .
20 Tatham might have been a natural but Magill had been the achiever in the secret world .
21 It represents the spear-head of a possible ‘ tourist imperialism ’ , with all the unsatisfactory consequences that this might engender .
22 The idea of using contract hire to increase the number of lorries in the Meet without a huge outflow of capital reserves deserves careful consideration .
23 We 're talking major league crunch here , aided and abetted by the sustain of the glued-neck construction and the vibrancy of alder and maple .
24 ( 2 ) We also treated the phasing as a conventional heavy-atom derivative problem with the inclusion of anomalous scattering .
25 The pondering , the getting at the absent Stavrogin , proves successful ; many acute observations buttress the central ‘ lukewarm ’ truth about him , and analysis spills over into the notebooks where Tikhon 's God's-voice function appears at its clearest .
26 Cut the salsify to the same size as the asparagus .
27 Some travel writers can not go anywhere without swimming and sunbathing under the swelter of the sizzling sun , as palms sway and swish along the sandy shoreline .
28 In more general terms , make can be characterized as denoting causation as direct or " concurrent " with the production of the effect — a person who makes a comment does the making and the commenting at the same time since the two processes can be identified with one another : make , in other words , evokes the actual producing of an effect .
29 The magnitude of the splitting in a given band gives an indication of the contribution of the halogen p-orbitals to the corresponding molecular orbital .
30 However , the determining factor in each case is the extent of the investor 's influence over the invested in the financial and operating policy decisions of a company .
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