Example sentences of "[art] [noun] see in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The results were ‘ very reassuring ’ with ‘ no sign whatever of the damage seen in West Germany or any unexpected abnormalities ’ .
2 The elusive nature of the reactions seen in food intolerance makes it difficult to rule out this diagnosis without very thorough testing , and there seems to have been undue reliance on skin-prick tests in this study , despite the fact that these are unreliable indicators in most cases of food sensitivity .
3 Appealing for faith and confidence , the parable invites the hearer to see in Jesus ’ followers the seed of the vast communion of the saved … out of this unprepossessing band of disciples is destined to come the restored people , not only the lost sheep of Israel 's house , but the nations , as well , ( Meyer 1979:164 ) .
4 The poet sees in life a truth that gives significance to the otherwise mean and trivial things .
5 The source of the effect seen in subjects given the S1-S2 treatment is accordingly difficult to interpret .
6 The null result of fig. 4.5(b) is of theoretical significance as it helps rule out several possible explanations for the effect seen in fig. 4.5(a) .
7 The vehicle seen in Panorama is in constant use by news teams and the BBC has now asked for another , which will be delivered in April .
8 Europe 's competition authorities are also keen to avoid the consolidation seen in America .
9 In non-breeding groups the size of the gathering can swell and swell , especially during migrations of the type seen in wildebeest and salmon .
10 ‘ That 's why I prefer to work in black and white ; the eye sees in colour , so with mono film it takes craft and ability to construct a picture to which people can relate .
11 There are 16 steam engines waiting to take you for a ride from Northiam , the setting for Anneka Rice 's famous ‘ Challenge ’ , to historic Tenterden , the station seen in ITV 's ‘ The Darling Buds of May ’ — you can even travel in Ma Larkin 's steam train !
12 It underlies and initiates the changes seen in development .
13 The poet , playwright and painter , Stanislaw Wyspiański ( 1869–1907 ) , saw himself as the bridge over the confused gulf that separated the Polish intelligentsia and the peasantry , the perfect representative of the Young Poland movement that contained all the bitterness of repeated national defeats , all the resignation of patriots who felt they could change nothing , and all the compromised hopes for material change that the Positivists saw in Poland 's potential industrial wealth under foreign rule .
14 Unlike the cross-shareholdings seen in America in the era of Pierpont Morgan , the links are not usually between competitors so do not necessarily indicate a cartel .
15 The EMSA of extracts of COS cells transfected with this deletion mutant ( Figure 3b , plasmid V ) showed that the protein in the lower complex ( N-Oct 5B ) was expressed at high levels and that in the upper complex at low levels ( N-Oct 5A ) , which is also the pattern seen in brain extracts ( Figure 3a , lane 7 and 1 ) .
16 There was some social and political unrest , it is true , but nothing on the scale seen in Poland , Austria , Germany , Belgium and France .
17 Having ruled out the alternatives we are left with the conclusion that the context-specificity seen in fig. 4.5(a) depends in some way on the context functioning as a retrieval cue .
18 In striking contrast to the spring pattern the numbers seen in autumn have , if anything , diminished , although the picture is somewhat distorted by the exceptional occurrence of 21 at Camber on 8 October 1966 ; there have only been three other October records since 1947 .
19 Mannitol in the water lowered both osmotic and water potential , and made them almost equal , which is why the leaves adopted the form seen in air .
20 What the audience sees in Jonathan Miller 's production and Stefanos Lazaridis 's designs , is not the Great California Forest of Puccini 's imagination ; instead , mining-trucks and rail- tracks lead the eye up a steep rake to slag-heaps and a slate-grey sky , driving home forcefully the misery of the miner 's existence ( like Miller , Maazel has great respect for Puccini 's treatment of the individual in the mob-situation ) .
21 The relation seen in figure 3.24(b) could be in any order .
22 The press saw in Jean Lecanuet — he of the white teeth , flashing smile , youthful appearance , centrist and pro-US ‘ Atlanticist ’ policies — a French J. F. Kennedy ; Mitterrand , the left FGDS candidate , was perceived as stilted and ill-at-ease . ’
23 Many years later , Kevin MacLean and Edward Scott zeroed in on pebbles and stones as they investigated their own kind of erosion , this time that of the landscape seen in close-up .
24 Such an auto-immune response against nerve cell myelin sheaths is strongly suspected as the cause of multiple sclerosis , and may cause the demyelination seen in SSPE .
25 The postcrania ( from Maboko ) retain primitive hominoid characters similar to the morphology seen in Proconsul .
26 Teas suggests that infection of human immune cells with a variant of ASFV could explain the immuno-deficiency seen in AIDS patients .
27 The loose , undulating rhythms of trees and foliage are still of a kind seen in Fauve canvases by Matisse ( and have their origin ultimately in the late work of Gauguin ) , while the colour is decorative and heightened to an unnatural degree .
28 FOR a man seen in America as an oriental devil incarnate , Mr Shintaro Ishihara , co-author of the notorious ‘ The Japan that can say no ’ , is an appealing fellow .
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