Example sentences of "[art] [noun] have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Sharpe 's horses limped into the Prince of Orange 's headquarters just ten minutes after the Prince had left for Brussels .
2 If the GP has asked for a drug to be dispensed in a special calendar pack , or has prescribed a small quantity of an unusual medicine that is only available from wholesalers in large quantities , the pharmacist will want to make sure that the pricing authority is aware of the extra costs .
3 but left open the question whether there is any difference under section 87 if the successor has resided for 12 months with the deceased tenant in two or more council houses or has resided partly in a council house and partly in private sector accommodation : [ 1987 ] 1 W.L.R. 1433 , 1441H .
4 The Lieutenant had opted for seclusion in the Solitorium .
5 Now the Board had to pay for Whiterock College , this could mean reducing the budget all around for other Colleges .
6 Interested in finding out what colour scheme would the RAF have used for the vehicle , ie size , position and colour of any lettering on the bodywork , size and position of roundels would also be useful to know .
7 In one case the European Court considered Irish legislation which exempted rural land owned by corporate bodies from compulsory acquisition if all the shareholders had resided for more than one year within three miles of the land .
8 At last the tide has turned for the unsung aircraft of 1940 .
9 She tells me that the Mum has applied for free meals but should really pay back the money owed .
10 The parliament has called for a more rational approach to trade and aid schemes as well as investigation into the EC 's role in granting funds in certain cases .
11 However , the parliament has called for an investigation into how this particular project came to be funded .
12 The parliament has called for other EC countries to follow the Dutch lead .
13 So far , the courts have found for California .
14 This meeting had taken place about two weeks ago ; two weeks of frustration and boredom rubbing away at the monkey 's sanity , its only hope to keep concentrating ; to put all its energy into finishing the task the computer had set for it ; another four , maybe five hours of programming .
15 Man 's desire to fly like the birds had existed for hundreds of years but with the advent of the internal combustion engine , the chances of achieving some sort of flight appeared to be improved .
16 They do all the things the description 's given for adapters .
17 The Economist has called for a bill of rights as a bulwark against what Lord Hailsham once described as an ‘ elective dictatorship ’ .
18 Reallocations will not be made automatically if the taxpayer has asked for them not to be .
19 The plans have existed for three years and no-one has asked the supporters for their opinion , ’ says a spokesman .
20 By early January 1945 , observers in the Stuttgart area were pointing out that Mein Kampf was being — rather belatedly — cited to prove that Germany had itself to blame for the war , that Hitler 's expansionist aims which he had laid down twenty years earlier were the cause of the war , and that it was therefore clear that ‘ the Führer has worked for war from the very beginning ’ .
21 The certificate has counted for little in my appointment interviews , and I was repeatedly told after failing the interview that my research record was weak .
22 So , when on 8 May Acheson announced that the US would send economic and military aid to the French in Indo-China ( for Gaddis Smith , the turning point — ‘ the scales had swayed for three months and then came down hard on the side of France ) the French position was at least potentially desperate and one can not help asking whether there were any countries receiving military aid under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program , other than Vietnam , in which there were such powerful revolutionary forces and where a revolutionary war was already in progress .
23 ‘ What about this untapped telephone number the gang have asked for ?
24 As economic pressure has been tightened up against Serbia , the French and the Russians have argued for carrot as well as stick : the prospect of an easing of sanctions in return for Serbian pressure on their Bosnian brothers to make peace .
25 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
26 The day was a resounding success and achieved some local press coverage if not as much as hoped for and of course there is the sponsorship money which the groups has raised for Amnesty .
27 But in picking melees ( mixtures ) of medium-quality gems between a fifth and half a carat the kidnappers had gone for an area of the trade that is almost uncontrollable .
28 It looked as though the end of the trail had come for the tiger .
29 The massacre has sabotaged for the time being any resumption of negotiations between Mandela and de Klerk .
30 The University had filed for patents , believing that millions of dollars could accrue if test-tube fusion were commercially practical , and the patent lawyers were concerned about what would happen if other groups found out the results and duplicated them .
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