Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and set off " in BNC.

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1 After drinking a mug of tea , I packed away the tent and set off , watching the trees float nearer as the pale sun thawed the earth .
2 She mounted the bike and set off .
3 She climbed onto the bike and set off in the direction from which she had come , gathering speed as she descended .
4 I rode 12 miles to the start , hid the bike and set off .
5 I took the money and set off .
6 We finished serving lunch and coffee and cleared up , and as soon as I decently could I left the kitchen and set off forward up the train .
7 Disconsolately , we got back into the rickshaws and set off to the next address .
8 Mildred squeezed through the gap and set off as fast as possible along the corridor and down the spiral staircase to the yard .
9 She lifted it over the fence and set off across the little meadow , gathering speed and thoroughly enjoying it .
10 By the time we had driven to Port Eynon , the wind had really picked up but not easily deterred , we abandoned the car and set off towards the cliffs .
11 They climb into the car and set off .
12 She crossed the bridge between the frogs and set off for the far end of the green , where the lane led up into the council estate .
13 But as the runners made round the left-hand bend in front of the stands and set off into the country for the first time she was joined in the lead by Run And Skip , and the company clearly put her off , for she hit the third fence hard .
14 That night it freezes hard and next morning after a brief breakfast we thaw out the boat and set off again .
15 She had walked out of the corner-shop and set off on the primrose path , which led rapidly downhill .
16 Without thinking , he scrambled out of the cellar and set off after Ho .
17 So they made their bold little crosses in the register and set off on their adventure .
18 Rosa said , ‘ It 's nothing , ’ and picked up the laundry and set off again.Her legs moved , her feet went forward one behind the other , but she felt winter come down on her and numb her to the bone .
19 So the arrival at the Grand Quay of that famous pirate ship the ‘ Black Pig ’ caused no excitement , and Captain Pugwash , the Mate , Barnabas , Willy and Tom the cabin boy attracted little attention as they stepped down the gangplank and set off to view the sights of the town .
20 He bundled her down the stairs and set off through the rain at a cracking pace .
21 Cuban refugees , trained by the Americans , were to invade the island and set off a spontaneous rising of the Cuban people against Castro .
22 She turned from the shop-window and set off briskly down the street towards the Stefansplatz , Karelius striding alongside .
23 ‘ Best be movin , ’ he said and they swung open the gate and set off at a jaunty pace back up the lane towards the main road .
24 After a great struggle , I frog-marched her into oilskins and over-trousers , fitted the outboard and set off up the loch , perspiring .
25 After creating the maximum of confusion , they piled into the Lancia and set off back along the road for their rendezvous with the LRDG , accompanied by an Italian whom they had taken prisoner after he had foolishly asked Lewes for a light while the latter was placing a bomb on his truck .
26 The next Friday they load up the bus and set off for Oxford .
27 They left Margot to look after the children and set off in the car , heading for Gallanach .
28 Every morning , the majority of the soldiers leave the encampment and set off to hunt , forming a long brown column several inches wide that snakes across the forest floor .
29 Leaving strict instructions to Joanne to stay there at all costs and to both of them under no account to let anyone in , he hurried to the Cortina and set off for Fleet Street .
30 Japanese handpainted pictures adorn the walls and set off the elegant porcelain figurines , while the walnut dining table is from Hong Kong .
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