Example sentences of "[art] [noun] did the same " in BNC.

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1 In a stinging attack , Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown mocked Mr Major 's habit of looking on at soccer and cricket matches — and said the Premier did the same when it came to the economy .
2 The driver did the same .
3 I mean this is personally for our place , and I 'm sure all the shops did the same .
4 Mildred began to cry , and as she lifted her hand to wipe away the tears she watched with horrified fascination as the reflection did the same .
5 How long would it be , Carew wondered , before the Hacketts and the Merricks and the Townshends did the same ?
6 And as he passed along the line , the men near him cried , ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ afresh , and their comrades in the distance did the same .
7 Care of the unfortunate was a general duty which people met with generosity and tenderness , and they were not surprised when the state did the same .
8 The two boys stood back to back , the girls did the same .
9 The man did the same again as he turned the paper , revealing to Mungo the front page with its lurid headline : ‘ BIRD 'S HEAD CLUE TO GIRL 'S DEATH .
10 One after another , the rest of the men did the same .
11 One of the footballers did the same as Evelyn .
12 Immediately you touched those bones , and all the others did the same , laughing and jostling to get at the coffin .
13 The others did the same , and yawned .
14 And when it came out I gave it a puff in my little rag , and made sure the others did the same .
15 Well , what if the prisons did the same ?
16 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
17 A woman did the same in the west country . ’
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