Example sentences of "[art] [noun] have the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At one level , the shareholders have the inalienable right to dismiss directors by a simple majority vote under s 303 Companies Act 1985 .
2 What evidence there is from the USA suggests that local authorities there are simply not prepared , either physically or mentally , to deal with the new service demands of the exurban inmigrants ( Green , 1983 ) although work in Canada , using a game-playing approach , has tended to suggest that the inmigrants have the same service demands as the existing inhabitants ( Joseph and Smit , 1983 ) .
3 a pelican crossing has the signals have the same meaning as traffic lights except that the flashing amber signal will follow the red stop signal , when amber light is flashing you must give
4 The spears have the typical cross-piece of Frankish weapons .
5 BPXC also ratified its recommendation that workers native to Tauramena have a priority in the hiring process when applying for posts offered by contractors working in that municipality , provided the candidates have the required experience and fill the legal and contractual requirements .
6 But the results are often seized upon in an ill-digested way by popular writers , occasionally the scientists themselves , as confirming that the animals have the linguistic competence and cognitive awareness of human beings .
7 We assume that all firms have identical cost conditions and , given the symmetry in the utility function , all firms in the industry have the same level of output .
8 This method assumes that no two words in the dictionary have the same length and the same vector score .
9 It is yet more evidence that the Government are committed to ensuring the capability of the Royal Navy 's fleet and to the wider aim of ensuring that our forces of the future have the modern equipment that they need .
10 Alternatively , if we view the anions as the cubic structure then the cations have the tetrahedral arrangement .
11 Truly the cassowaries have the loudest — er , I mean the loveliest — voices in all the world ! "
12 The Guards have the same requirements for recruits as any infantry or Royal Armoured Corps regiment ’ , he said .
13 I extraterrestrials visited humanity in the very early days of our species , the cultural impact must have been major — unless , that is , the extraterrestrials have the common sense not to interfere too much with whatever level of civilisation the existed .
14 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
15 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
16 The eccentricities of the judges have the same stupefying unfunniness — however witty — as those of a schoolteacher .
17 I know little of military operations , but I am sure they have similar operational problems and that the crews have the same worries .
18 Since none of the countries have the separate specialty of venereology or genito-urinary medicine , the undergraduate teaching on these diseases is fragmented at best and may even be nonexistent .
19 The fogs have the right idea , ’ Finlayson said .
20 MR MAJOR , who will have the right to try to form a government if the Conservatives have the most MPs without having an overall majority , told a rally in Wembley , north-west London , yesterday that the constitution was under threat from Labour and Liberal Democrat policies on devolution , Europe and electoral reform .
21 But this type of information presupposes that the recipients have the necessary vision and can read , and that they are sufficiently orientated to understand what they are reading .
22 Meanwhile , its male-audience offshoot Arena ponders ‘ why the Italians have the best soccer shirts ’ .
23 These little leaves are like tongues or hands to sing or conduct the wind music , for of all trees , the beeches have the supreme choir and orchestra and to hear them in a high wind is to know divine music .
24 Specifically the committees have the following functions : ( a ) To examine the estimates put forward by the department in question , to examine the policy objectives underlying these and consider whether the expenditure incurred would achieve these objectives in an economical manner .
25 The championships have the full backing of Durham County Cricket Club .
26 Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas have the additional problem of being contained in an archipelago of sparsely populated islands , with literally dozens of remote airstrips and hundreds of miles of expensive-to-patrol coastline , situated directly on the Colombia to Florida flight path and shipping channels .
27 The progestogens have the same effect on the cat 's body as the natural pregnancy hormone , progesterone .
28 Within liberal-democratic constitutional theory , the people have the ultimate political power and exercise it through general elections — elections that assume a place of quite massive constitutional significance .
29 All that is required is that the people have the necessary desire and will to bring change about .
30 Although the reduction in coca growing in this part of Bolivia has been significant , drug dealers in the Andes have the same easy access to coca today as they had five years ago .
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