Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [v-ing] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
2 It is arguable ( and the Revenue do accept this ) that if the income arising in the trust is taxable under s739 and payments are made out from the trust there is no double charge to tax ( under s739 and Case V as a new source ) , even though these may create a new Case V source .
3 As the taxpayer is on a remittance basis ( both with respect to the income arising in the trust and with respect to the new source of income ) there should be no possible problems in connection with s739 ; there is never any remittance to the United Kingdom of the income .
4 The acid solution enters another section of the plant where it passes through a second organic solvent to remove any lingering waste products , then , on coming into contact with a water-based solution , the uranium and plutonium separate , the plutonium returning to the water solution and the uranium remaining in the solvent .
5 The majority feeling in the CDP was moving towards support for development within the CNAA .
6 The door was open and she stood just outside the aperture taking in the five men .
7 He had thought of Doreen 's absences every night , the front-door banging in the early hours of the morning , the whine of a car drawing away from beneath his window .
8 You stand on St Saviour 's Point to see him going out between the forts , the seabirds flocking after his boat , the ropes screaming in the sheaves as the sails are hoisted .
9 By the time the two week World Film Festival winds down at the beginning of September most of the cinephiles standing in the long queues at the box office have no idea what they 're waiting for ; they 'll watch anything that moves .
10 There is an unbelievable variety of skeg shapes available which all aim to do the same job , namely , keep the board sailing in a straight line .
11 The summit was reached at 7pm four days later , the climbers descending in the dark .
12 ‘ At one stage mining and rugby went together , with all the mines playing in a league of their own .
13 I have served for over 20 years now in the RAF specialising in the field of aircraft maintenance .
14 I had on the Ring of Luned that brings invisibility , and I saw the Glass Castle and the chains hanging in the Great Tower .
15 And the mugwort flow'ring in the land ?
16 Back home , I took down a catalogue of works by Leslie Hakim-Dowek , one of the artists exhibiting in the show .
17 We would spend the afternoon re-enacting in the parking lot behind the apartment what we had seen in the morning on the screen .
18 These consultations resulted in a White Paper ( Welsh Office 1967 ) completely at variance with the views developing in the English Royal Commission .
19 This , relating to the Easter offering in a parish in 1721 is in the handwriting of the rector , William Walter MA .
20 Visitors can wander at will through the tun room , the malt barn and the still house , and can see the fine collection of traditional tools of the trade and the whisky maturing in the casks .
21 Exciting stories emerged the next day of many killed and , particularly , the whisky running in the gutters from the warehouse many claimed to have collected the whisky in jam jars and all kinds of handy vessels .
22 I wondered ) along four miles of country road , with the birds singing in every tree .
23 Ted convinced himself that the sounds came from the birds nesting in the eaves or the rafters and banged the walls nth a brush .
24 Project manager Jan Smeaton also organised the rest of the mobilisation programme , which was complicated by the contract starting in the middle of a school term .
25 ‘ Richard tried to help one of the girls lying by the photocopier lying in a pool of blood .
26 If Knowledge plc had failed to get in by the back door , it was this that brought the ideology of the market-place marching in the front .
27 A device to check lateral motion and maintain the foot moving in a forward direction .
28 Now the right leg is thrust out with the foot travelling in a straight line towards the opponent .
29 Bernice could see thirty or forty of the Hunters hovering in the skies .
30 The cradle swinging in the wind from a crane is small .
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