Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [v-ing] the same " in BNC.

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1 It was strange to see the Prince occupying the same segment of sofa where only the year before I had talked to his uncle .
2 Here were people from the field facing the same issues .
3 Four bars leading up to the chorus using the same notes as before , but a more basic pattern and an octave down , until the chorus comes in loud and heavy , a complete contrast with its barrages of driving sixteenth notes .
4 At a short distance from Monarch Hill towards the hills we find Blackman 's Dane , by 1731 this had been altered to Hickman 's Dane , the term having the same meaning as Dene .
5 Again , yo you , the figure staying the same , all you do is to move a decimal point two places .
6 As long as there was a substantial number of people in each group , the groups would start the experiment having the same political preferences on average , since the groups were formed at random .
7 I recall some of the chaps doing the same at Oundle . ’
8 Present EEC legal structures , combined with the changes which are proposed to make enlargement possible , will , Akos Bod fears , lead to the Community making the same mistakes which were made by Comecon .
9 They propel the vessel through the water using the same principle that allows a bowler in cricket or a baseball pitcher to swing a ball through the air .
10 Once the whole company have learned the words they are divided into two groups with one side of the room singing and doing the actions to the first verse and the other doing the same for the second .
11 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA 's agreement with Eo Inc on the marketing and perhaps later the manufacturing of its Eo 440 and 880 handheld communicators in Europe ( CI No 2,124 ) involves the Italian taking the same stake as everyone else in Eo — the entry fee is $10m , with which it gets a seat on the firm 's board .
12 Thorfinn held his big gelding hard-reined , and saw the mormaers doing the same .
13 What I 'd like you to do this evening if you will erm as an exercise is you know you were talking about erm asking questions listening to the answers speaking the same language watching erm talk the language .
14 put in a great deal of their time erm going to work and that could be working for er a European or an American right , er some sort of help in the house , or in the garden or whatever , so you had the men doing the same sort of tasks the housework as it were for Europeans and Americans and the women looking after the , the economic development of that little
15 Pat Palmer would like to establish an emergency telephone chain in each Area and it is hoped that every Area Organiser will be able to set one up by the Autumn using the same overlap list as for collecting class statistics .
16 923 the court was concerned with three guarantees entered into by a husband and wife to cover the indebtedness of a family company of which both were shareholders and directors and with three charges on the wife 's house executed by her in favour of the bank securing the same indebtedness .
17 The fineness of Pakistani rugs is therefore graded as 10/20 or 12/24 , etc. , with the first figure referring to the number of knots running per linear inch along the horizontal axis , and the second figure to the number running the same distance along the vertical .
18 In 1728 , for example , while Alexander Legrand , the collector of Leith , enjoyed a place worth £ 100 per annum , William Gordon , the officer holding the same rank at Aberdeen , was paid £50 , while Hugh Baillie , the collector of Orkney , had to make do with a mere £30 per annum .
19 For He did swim across the river : This involves the virtual person of the infinitive occupying the same position(s) in time as the actual person which specifies its rank in the auxiliary , and so to is not necessary .
20 The area bounded by a parabola is two-thirds of the rectangle having the same base and height .
21 Example 139 shows three-part counterpoint at the octave using the same ‘ O ’ series in each part : However , as repetitions of the same series can produce a lack of note-variety , it is usual to employ varied forms of a series ( derived forms or transpositions ) .
22 I awoke in the Little Ease , a smelly , rat-filled dungeon , watered by the sewers of the Fleet river and the slops of the prison bearing the same name .
23 The task is directed to a user using the same options as a mail message .
24 Whereas an adult can fairly ‘ comfortably ’ lose a pint of blood , a child losing the same amount may be drained of as much as a third or even half of her total supply .
25 Thus Indochinese with top marks from the Grandes Écoles in France returned home to serve under Frenchmen with much lower qualifications , or none at all , on a salary which was approximately a fifth of what would be paid to a European doing the same work .
26 Furthermore , a reinvestigation involving the same suspects and witnesses can not be independent of the original investigation because the experience of the original investigation will influence the way they behave in any further investigation .
27 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
28 This has a spigot bearing the same size as the Range Rover but made of steel and not phosphor bronze .
29 There 's a lot of competition to get your space , specially with the Latins ; they 're not used to a woman doing the same job as well as they do . ’
30 A crosstabulation of Age by Salary showing the numbers at each age in particular salary bands is possible with a command like : CROSSTAB AGE , SALARY and a graph showing the same information is produced by typing : GRAPH AGE VS SALARY Similarly , modelling systems exist to allow the users to explore the effects of changes on their organisations .
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