Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I consider that the defence open to a person as defined in s.94(5)4 relates solely to summary proceedings … and in my view it can not avail the defendants in s.100 ’ .
2 Only the tips of the continents show above the ocean .
3 Few schools serve a homogeneous intake , the majority draw on a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds and care needs to be taken that false assumptions are not made about parents ' hopes for their children and their beliefs about the purpose of education .
4 The majority disappear from the city centre , but the thieves are now targeting villages and other cities , as the number of high perfomance cars available in Oxford drops .
5 Even if women do return to work after having children , the majority go to a new employer and often to a job at a lower status than the one they left .
6 The majority belong to the class of pterines ( 2 -amino-4.hydroxy.pteridines ) and the natural pigment is often a mixture of two or more of these .
7 Though the majority occur near the tracheal bifurcation a few may be found several centimetres from this area ( Fig. 43 ) .
8 The pros play in the par-three for fun , to give something back to their public in return for the millions of dollars they earn from golf .
9 Erm how do people sort of beco when you become a member of a group , usually in some way the group changes you as you go through different stages of it , your values may change as a result of interacting with people in the group and th this process of erm somebody 's come up with how it is that you start off in a group , how it is that you become an active member of a group , how it is you may even become involved in the maintenance of the group and the leadership of it and then you sort of die away and that 's the y'know retire from the group .
10 Production and shipment has already begun , and the contracts extend through the first quarter of 1994 .
11 Funds made available under the Acts relate to a specified financial year .
12 The Acts relate to the development of land , which encompasses building , etc. , or any material change in the use of land or buildings .
13 Draw up a life table for a cohort of 5000 students showing , for each year of study , the probability of leaving and the expected remaining stay calculated on the assumption that one-tenth of the leavers in any year depart at random times during the year and the remainder go at the end of that year .
14 The first three ganglia are situated one in each of the thoracic segments , and are known as the thoracic ganglia ; the remainder lie in the abdomen and form the ganglia of that region .
15 The concentration of artistic architectural masterworks , the variety of restaurants , even the energetic bustle of the crowds contribute to an irresistible energy .
16 In fevers the chills predominate with the fever mostly in the day , red faced with cold hands .
17 ‘ If I close my eyes , I can still feel the g build as the world smoothly revolves and that bright red tip-tank carves its silent arc across the azure of my mind 's eye ’ .
18 But when I close my eyes , strain my stomach and clench my fist I can still feel the g build as the world smoothly revolves and I see that bright red tip tank carve its silent arc across the azure of my mind 's sky and remember .
19 I recommend that the funding continue at the present level , with an inflationary consideration — £5,954 .
20 There is a ritual in the way in which the pickets rise from the shelter of their lean-to and manoeuvre for position with a handful of police kitted out in fluorescent bibs .
21 There are punching sound effects and speech ( via the internal speaker or sound card ) but the boxers react like a stuffed dummy when they 've been punch .
22 They have erm in breaking new situations , if there is something big going on , you know , or during the democratic convention or whatever it is , or this Iraq thing , the anchors stay around the studio and then maybe do a replay , so to speak .
23 After the court hearing a BBC television unit in the southwest filmed on board Alert and reconstructed the smuggling exploit on the theme of the West country as a traditional smuggling coastline .
24 Keen golfer Noel , the NIBA singles champion , takes on Herbert Park 's Noel O'Hara in the opening semi-final and victory means that the clubs stay in the boot of his car .
25 Last October , Glasgow High-Kelvinside administered a 56-13 thrashing to Heriot 's in a Division I match , yet such has been the turnround in both clubs ' fortunes since then , when the clubs meet in a friendly at Goldenacre tomorrow it 's GH-K , who still face the possibility of relegation , while Heriot 's have accelerated into mid-table .
26 The issue will come under the spotlight when the clubs assemble for the league 's AGM at Cemaes Bay on Saturday .
27 Then he tries to work out what this or that payment actually relates to , and since he does n't know the accounts get into a muddle . "
28 The only other two entries in the accounts relate to the collection of taxes and tax-related grants of 50m and net expenditure ( before repayments of principal and interest ) of 52m .
29 The extent to which these kinds of considerations can be included in the accounts depend upon the extent to which they were included in the budget .
30 Bearing in mind that the accounts refer to the period up to the end of July , 1991 , then there are no prizes for guessing where the Jim Willis cash went to .
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