Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [v-ing] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Havis himself did most of the cockpit shots , and these are skilfully intercut into air-to-air shots of Concorde , including a beautiful head-on one ( used several times ) of the Great White Dart skimming the cloud-tops leaving a vortex of white in its high-speed wake .
2 She paced the room , staring out of the window until the view became too monotonous to continue watching , looking at her watch and at the door , and was about to leave when she heard the porter turning the key in the lock .
3 He had found the porter visiting the superintendent nurse in her room , a form of social exchange that was strictly forbidden .
4 The activities accompanying the texts go well beyond checking comprehension .
5 For example , each activity on a construction programme is priced by estimators and its tinting is reflected in the sequencing of the activities forming the construction bar chart or network .
6 The report ended with the defence telling the jury it would be very dangerous to record a conviction on the uncorroborated evidence of the girl .
7 In this case , the question of mens rea was crucial , the defence arguing the relevance of the BBFC 's decision to refuse a national certificate in 1970 so that the film could first be assessed by a representative sample of local licensing authorities who were more closely in touch with community standards .
8 Then he remembered that the cottage had been sold , the money placed in trust for his father 's mother , the income paying the fees of the nursing home where she sat all day rocking herself in a wheelchair — Alzheimer 's disease .
9 Consumer Studies brings together the disciplines governing the design , development and management of consumer goods and services ( with particular reference to food , textiles and the home ) and explores the interdisciplinary relationship of these to the needs and responses of consumers .
10 For instance , dispersal patterns of the continents following the break-up of Pangaea show that the now separate continents have been moving away from Africa , which itself appears to have remained relatively stationary .
11 There were a lot of policemen in surrounding streets and in the park adjoining the embassy from which the refugees have clambered into the grounds .
12 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
13 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
14 Everything appeared in order to the finance company , which accepted the forms believing the trader to be the owner of the van .
15 By mid-June , the projection of the opinion polls was already suggesting that the majority favouring a measure of divorce legislation was declining so rapidly that by the time of the poll , the noes would have it .
16 Mr Siaurusevicius said that this might split the Lithuanian Party , with the majority approving the proposal , and a minority remaining members of the All-Union Party .
17 Over 5,000 students are registered worldwide on the Masters programme , the majority studying the Distance Learning MBA .
18 An unfortunate ornate gilt altar screen obscures the simplicity of the vertical lines of the great eastern apse , but above is visible the mosaic in the conch depicting the Virgin against a gilt background ; below are saints and apostles .
19 ‘ I was in the stand munching a hot-dog when the boss called me down , ’ said Hoult .
20 Arm-in-arm with the day-conductress , she would walk the length of the train , watching the ice being tapped off the water inlets and the track-hoppers getting a warning from the new MCK engine elbowing its way backwards .
21 The ideology surrounding the constitution was one thing , but , in hard-power terms , the balanced constitution was essentially aristocratic .
22 A salient aspect of the addressee , her ability to see what the child can see , has been changed by the utterance of b and the acts accompanying the utterance .
23 The fur lining the cave was a brindled orange ; that of the cat creature too .
24 A letter can be left with the Will specifying the arrangements for the next of kin to follow .
25 And braving the elements … the crowds enjoying the Henley Regatta
26 The Mason waded up and down among the crowds allowing the womenfolk to feel his arm and kiss his dirty hand as though it were a holy relic .
27 I mixed among the crowds strolling the avenues .
28 There are hymns ( led by the united choirs of the Anglican and Free Churches in recent years ) and the lesson , address and blessing by the bishop , relayed across the harbour from the east to the crowds lining the quay on the west cliff .
29 We sit by the edge of the gully facing the altar rock .
30 She encapsulates the new commonsense : the housewife managing the nation in a way familiar to the ordinary household ( not spending more than it is earning ) and bringing home to her striking trade unionised husband the ‘ harsh realities and consequences of living without a weekly wage ’ .
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