Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 WITH the forthcoming visit by the South Africans looming large , the RFU have taken the opportunity given them by the All Black and Wallaby tours to South Africa to get in some early homework on the Boks .
2 The reputation of Angelica Kauffman ( 1741–1807 ) has risen steadily in recent years , since she ceased to be regarded as a minor decorative artist and began to reassume the esteem accorded her by her contemporaries .
3 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
4 Burrows and Hunter 's general conclusion is that " from the views given us by local authorities the 1988 Housing Act 's strengthening of the anti-harassment laws have made prosecutions slightly easier for local authorities but , in practice , there is often a failure to prosecute for a range of non-legal reasons " ( p. 41 ) .
5 Between late July and early October 1936 the rebels drove home the advantage given them by Franco 's agreements with Mussolini and Hitler .
6 None the less , the Committee considered that the instruments were available and the time ripe for achieving this enormous ambition : " We have the advantage given us by then necessity of a new departure among rapidly changing conditions , and by the opportunity of avoiding some causes of past failure " .
7 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
8 Towards the end , Horthy tried to extricate the country from the impending shambles , but the Germans occupied it in March 1944 and , in any case , the Allies were no longer sympathetic .
9 The starter called us to our marks .
10 The starter called us to our marks , we got set , the gun went off and I dawdled on the blocks .
11 A friend of Watt 's at the University introduced him to John Roebuck , an industrialist who was involved with coal mines and iron works in Scotland .
12 He commented : ‘ The promotion was a tremendous success thanks to the wholehearted manner in which the branches promoted it to the public . ’
13 The President regarded him for a moment and Trent thought that the old man might rally .
14 The President called him into the room .
15 This teacher 's view that the Afro-Caribbean pupils felt obliged to live up to the labels given them by the school was reiterated by other teachers .
16 So an unholy alliance of cow-keepers and slum-owners repeatedly elected the kind of corporation that would fight to the death ‘ the unsightly monster ’ of enclosure — as the mayor called it in 1825 .
17 At first the club treated it as a private matter and The Doc shook hands on a new four year contract .
18 The barman fixed me with the kind of stare you could roast weenies on .
19 The other , Benedict XIII , fled to the castle of Peñiscola in north-east Spain , where he spent the remainder of his days : the Council deposed him in July 1417 .
20 ‘ When the judge sentenced him to five years I felt like shouting out ‘ thank you ’ , ’ said Kate Connolly .
21 The Indians regarded him as a medicine man and his apple-tree enthusiasm , odd clothing and religious devotion — he distributed religious tracts torn in parts for widespread circulation — started many folktales .
22 The boy fixed him with a final look , but said no more , and slipped away into the crowd , only turning back once more .
23 is called we that 's the question read it for yourself !
24 Almost all the murders that the police solve in real life are either dealt with in a matter of hours ( the husband done it with the kitchen knife ) or as a result of long , long , tedious inquiries , mostly house-to-house , the taking of fingerprints and the elimination of perhaps thousands of marginal suspects .
25 The neon striped it in the air .
26 At least such is the picture presented us by biologists whose political sympathies and social attitudes tend towards liberalism and socialism .
27 In the course of that discussion we shall also try to understand the picture given us by quantum theory of the nature of physical reality .
28 The provincials regarded us as a gassy , protesting , quarrelsome , cantankerous crowd , very good at cursing the enemy and cursing ourselves , but no good at effective fighting against the well organised political parties .
29 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
30 Arjun had given Burun the land for all time , and now the Merkuts occupied it in peace and prospered .
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