Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] him for " in BNC.

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1 Although in this case the seller will find it hard to argue with the buyer 's concerns , where the seller himself provides the items ( even if he charges the buyer directly or indirectly for their provision ) he may well wish to keep ownership himself , either to tie the buyer to him for future orders , or to enable him to use the items for sales to third parties , even if this is to the buyer 's detriment , and against his consent .
2 Then it would be her lunchtime , and probably another feed , and after that they 'd send her for her afternoon rest , and then collect the specimens and the data from him for the next day 's test session .
3 When an institution has ceased to be an authorised institution , liability of the institution to him for compensation purposes depends upon his state of mind ‘ at the time the deposit was made . ’
4 She left her office at about five forty-five , saw Naylor 's Jaguar in the car park and went weak at the knees about him for a few seconds , then she determinedly got into her own car and drove home .
5 Maybe , she thought bitterly , if she had asked a few questions she might have uncovered the truth about him for herself , instead of having the information relayed to her by one of her friends .
6 Eochaid would have taken the monks with him for safety , and those of Muthill as well .
7 ‘ WHIT 'S yer name hen ? ’ the drunk and dishevelled man on the train asked the woman opposite him for the fourth time in a very loud voice .
8 The muzzle flash illuminated Farrell and the yard around him for several feet as he raked the sub-gun back and forth , spent cartridge cases spewing from the weapon ; smoke and steam rising into the damp air .
9 He had taken the Thompson with him for a practical demonstration and afterwards had not had an opportunity to exchange it for the army 's normal issue Sterling gun .
10 To this the tiger agreed , and taking the oxen with him for safety , the farmer hurried home .
11 And as Jake nodded , Shiona reluctantly resigned herself to being trapped at the table with him for another little while .
12 Er that I remember come in laughing saying that he had no kitchen for him for her .
13 ‘ She was going to have him all to herself for at least three years , probably more like five , and a part of him for ever … ’ .
14 LORD TENTERDEN C.J. : Assuming that the offer to pay the six guineas without costs was evidence of an express promise by the defendant to pay that sum to the plaintiff as a compensation to him for his loss of time , still , if the defendant was not bound by law to pay that sum , the offer to do so not having been accepted will not avail the plaintiff .
15 And you do n't hear a squeak from him for months and months .
16 Though he knew the press would be sending a photographer to take a picture of him for the financial pages of the newspaper , he suspected that their main interest was in Hank .
17 The Minister for the Environment and Countryside is no longer here — I make no criticism of him for that — but I listened to his opening remarks , and I know that he will speak to colleagues in Brussels .
18 It is contained in the old aphorism ‘ the child is father to the man ’ , and expresses the belief that a child 's experiences in the early years will leave a mark on him for the rest of his life .
19 The service was no novelty to him for his father had been a High Anglican vicar in another part of London and Rupert had not lost his boyhood faith until his first year at Oxford — late really , he had thought , for a clergyman 's son .
20 He will have debtors : his bank is a debtor to him for the amount standing to his credit ; his investments of money are claims to receive payment from the State or from corporations or individuals .
21 He also pleaded interference with his duty to those by whom he was employed in a private practice of considerable extent , but his time at the College had been clearly specified — two hours for consultation by subscribers with sick horses on three days a week , with little or no call upon him for attendance at uncertain hours . ’
22 What she put a waistcoat on him for ?
23 Tell me what do you put a waistcoat on him for .
24 Someone brushed a hand across him for a gun , but finding none pushed him to one side .
25 In these circumstances , where a director alleges an agreement with a committee of the Board for payment of remuneration , the court will not , in law or equity , award a sum to him for services to the company , as in relying on such an alleged agreement the director involves himself in an irreconcilable conflict between his duties as a director and his personal interests .
26 I worked as a researcher for him for so long I became part of the furniture , I really did .
27 He seized the telephone , and , ruthlessly disrupting Sir Gerhard 's morning , imposed a guest on him for lunch .
28 His grandmother had been like a mother to him for most of his childhood .
29 I 'll make a reservation for him for Friday night .
30 PETER Cameron-Webb , one of the men at the centre of the largest Lloyd 's scandal in history , yesterday failed in the Appeal Court to overturn a judgment against him for £5million .
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