Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] which [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The intimacy with which she and Luke explored each other 's mouths was possession of a kind , so wholly were they given to that long kiss , and when it ended they had to have it all over again , instantly , mouths colliding with an urgency which carried them dangerously beyond mere sensuality .
2 ‘ A system to convert data from internal and external sources into information and to communicate that information , in an appropriate form , to managers at all levels in all functions to enable them to make timely and effective decisions for planning , directing and controlling the activities for which they are responsible . ’
3 In addition to their knowledge and expertise in the activities for which they are currently employed , many have additional relevant experience ( botanical , geological , horticultural ) gained from previous employ or personal endeavour .
4 In view of Poindexter 's claim that Reagan had authorized some of the activities for which he was indicted , District Judge Harold H. Greene had allowed the defendant to subpoena extracts from Reagan 's diaries and personal papers to assist in his defence .
5 Before the first day of the project , both groups had been given a very general outline of the activities in which they would be involved .
6 Computer hackers pose a serious threat to the security of computer systems and some of the activities in which they engage are potentially criminal in nature .
7 There is , I am glad to say , no direct allusion to the activities in which you engage in the Koran or in the Hadith of the prophet , although from what I know of the blessed Muhammad — may God rest him and grant him peace — it is not something of which he would approve .
8 But we may be confident he will not lapse into indolence nor renounce the activities in which he excels .
9 It seemed in truth a time of indulgent expansion ; and , as if in retribution , students of all kinds , in universities old and new and in the polytechnics , became more and more resistant to authority , not just social authority , but the academic authority of their teachers and of the disciplines within which they were studying .
10 The disciplines upon which it draws are , in the main , linguistics , psycho-linguistics , and sociolinguistics .
11 They swarmed round the town at night and came close to the tent in which I slept in the consulate compound .
12 Overall , a healthy plurality of different initiatives is likely to arise if a strong voluntary sector grasps the opportunity with which it is currently presented and if it is actively supported by the statutory authorities .
13 The general election will be the opportunity for which we have waited .
14 This describes the forms in which we observe mathematics in calculations , proofs and standard methods .
15 For example , Parsons explicitly says that , that the drives of the id are socially moulded in the sense that , the forms in which they express themselves are the result of socialization .
16 Fraser observes that ‘ analysis is more limiting because it recreates the past only in the forms in which it was internalised or repressed. ,
17 In moral ( or human ) science , by contrast , we deal with that with which we have immediate contact within ourselves — the human spirit and the forms in which it expresses and manifests itself .
18 In other words , the information as experienced by the user rarely took the forms in which it was held in the memories of the system or network .
19 I have always appreciated the artfulness with which my hon. Friend asks questions .
20 The Cid sickened of the malady of which he died .
21 As a Unitarian he was debarred from holding civic appointments or public office , but , following the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts in 1828 , for the annulment of which he had campaigned , the corporation of Newcastle in 1832 invested him with the highest judicial function in their gift , the recordership , and shortly afterwards with the honorary freedom of the city .
22 If the new higher education funding bodies established by the Education Reform Act ( 1988 ) were to rely over-heavily on numerical ‘ performance indicators ’ in assessing the extent to which institutions have fulfilled the contracts for which they are funded , institutions are likely to develop course appraisal systems which record performance in just those terms .
23 But unfortunately , they are not getting the opportunity because of er some of the management failings means that they 're not actually getting the contracts to which they 're entitled .
24 Building contractors and employers soon became aware that the contracts into which they had entered no longer made provision for those situations which were beginning to arise : but new standard forms were slow to emerge , and it is only in recent years that these have proliferated .
25 That was not the unity of which he was frightened .
26 What actually happens depends to some extent on the strategies that classes pursue and on the unity with which they organise themselves and seize opportunities to strengthen their positions .
27 The li as a whole is the cosmic pattern which lays down the lines along which nature and man move , which harmonizes opposites with complementary functions , Yin and Yang , ruler and subject , father and son , and alternates day and night , birth and death , the rise and fall of dynasties , in regular cycles , diverging downwards to the minutest detail of texture and converging upwards to the unity in which everything is interrelated .
28 Yet , it was his originality that he could represent prevailing moods , drawing together themes in striking images and captions , thereby intensifying the attitudes from which his an emerged .
29 The upright against which he rested stretched up like a great squared pillar into the ceiling high overhead , white-painted , the simplicity of its design emphasised by the seven pictograms carved into the wood and picked out in gold leaf-the characters forming couplets with those on the matching upright .
30 Rumi wrote , ‘ The gallows ( on which we are killed ) is the buraq on which we ride to heaven . ’
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