Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government 's solution relies on a sharp switch from long-term capital investment and the defence sector towards food and consumer goods production and improving social services .
2 The report stated that under the terms of the new budget , the government had agreed to meet all demands submitted by the Defence Ministry in order to ensure maintenance of Iraq 's combat capabilities .
3 It is clear that in cases where the mistake relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea the outcome will be the same whether one adopts the definitional or the defence doctrine of mistake , that is ‘ the prosecution will wither on the bough .
4 Timing of the airdrops was to be determined by the defence department in co-operation with the United Nations , the president said in a written statement .
5 He met management and workers at Swan Hunter 's and Vickers , two firms who depend on the defence industry for work .
6 Consequently , the defence account of mistake is of general applicability whereas the definitional account can apply only to a limited range of cases .
7 Within an overall response rate of 68 per cent , then , the response rate for specialist students was 64 per cent , and 69 per cent for conversion students .
8 The response rate of CASE students was 85 per cent .
9 This is exactly the prediction which is made by Locksley et al. , ‘ the response criterion for schema related items may be more biased in the direction of OLD decisions ( or , alternatively less biased in the direction of NEW decisions ) than the response criterion for schema-unrelated items ’ ( 1984 , p.425 ) .
10 The next point I would raise , and this is er by looking at item three on page one , is the income split by business and profit
11 For example , suppose that the income elasticity of demand for electrical goods is +2.0 when GDP per head of the population is , say , $3,000 .
12 There was an enormous increase in world industrial capacity as the technological gap between the USA and the major economies was closed ; and over the somewhat longer term , the income elasticity of demand for manufactured goods fell .
13 ( 6–29 ) ) , we can see how influences the effect of the corporation tax , modifying the size of the factor substitution effect as the income elasticity of demand for the corporate product is greater ( less ) than unity .
14 ( is the natural or equilibrium rate of growth of output and the income elasticity of demand for nominal cash balances . )
15 In either case , public spending should increase by the income elasticity of demand .
16 The effect is similar to a change in income and depends upon the income elasticity of demand .
17 Balassa 's ( 1987 ) " anti-monde " was derived using the assumption that the income elasticity of demand would have remained constant had it not been for the effect of economic integration .
18 You know about Liberal Democrat policy to put a penny on the income tax for education .
19 However , this was definitely secondary to the manpower approach , though again Dalton liked to contrast actual levels of expenditure with the £500 million which the Coalition had thought likely to be necessary in peacetime , pointing out in early 1947 that the current level of expenditure at over £800 million meant 2s. in the pound extra on the income tax in comparison with the Coalition figure .
20 Consequently , unlike equities , the income stream from debt is usually known .
21 The income statement in Table 6.1 can be drawn up using depreciation to give reported earnings or using capital allowances to give taxable earnings .
22 Notice that k is the reciprocal of the income velocity of circulation of money ( which can be defined as the average number of times the money supply changes hands in financing the national income ) .
23 To show this , consider the following version of the quantity theory : where M is the nominal money supply , V is the income velocity of circulation and PY is the money value of national income .
24 The double-check valve on offer this month is from CK Tools : it has swivel action , and is made from rust-proof solid brass .
25 With two small children and no transport , like most of these women , the daytime journey across town is problematic , and the idea of going on one 's own in the evening ( leaving one 's husband to baby sit ) is seen as imposing too much of a strain on the marriage relationship .
26 The swimming pool , garden terraces and poolside bar are the daytime focus of attention for those who want to lie back and soak up the Mediterranean sun , and the restaurant and caféteria serve a good variety of snacks throughout the day .
27 Gordon Durie stole down the right and seeing the defences lack of organisation , he blasted in a low pass which McCoist drove home first time .
28 Like most other submissions , the reception rooms extended along the whole of the park front at first-floor level .
29 Adriano Paganini became head chef at the Park Room after training in Italy and France , with spells at the three- Michelin starred Antica Osteria del Ponte in Milan , and under Paul Bocuse in France .
30 On the other hand , the sum may be out by several thousands without the mistake being detectable except by laboriously going over the addition step by step .
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