Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Following the recommendation of its armed services committee , the Senate passed a defence bill by 79 votes to 16 on Aug. 4 , which imposed deep cuts , amounting to $18,000 million , in the defence budget request of $307,000 million put forward by Bush for fiscal 1991 ( beginning October 1990 ) .
2 Secondly , by a substantive statistical cross country analysis for the OECD , linking the work in the defence economics literature to developments in the labour economics literature .
3 ( At the end of the War , it was found that over 50 deaf men from Manchester Institute for the Deaf were entitled to the Defence Service Medal for their work with the Civil Defence , and this could be repeated throughout the country .
4 It may be a topic that has already aroused great controversy , e.g. the Defence Committee inquiry into Westland helicopters .
5 These papers were debated inconclusively at the Defence Committee meeting on 5 April 1946 ; further inconclusive discussion followed on 27 May 1946 and again on 19 July .
6 Johnson ( 1985 , pp. 424–5 ) also cites prime ministerial intervention in promoting top civil servants , and the increasing frequency of appointments to senior posts from outside the service ( such as Peter Levene recruited from the private sector to head the Defence Procurement Executive in 1985 ) as evidence of ‘ a more active personnel policy ’ designed to enhance managerial competence .
7 The Defence Ministry ban on the BBC broadcasting from the home of the Dambusters is as cowardly as Guy Gibson and his men were brave .
8 The Defence Fellowship thesis of Tim Grant had shown that aircraft maintenance planning had the characteristics of job-shop scheduling .
9 Parts of mid and north Essex were rocked by the blasts at the Defence Research Agency in Shoeburyness .
10 NATO Defence Ministers attended a meeting in Brussels of the Defence Planning Committee on May 22-23 and formally abandoned their 13-year-old target of 3 per cent real annual increases in national defence budgets [ see p. 36750 ] .
11 Observers noted that Georgy Khizha and Vladimir Shumeiko did not attend , although as ministers brought into the government from the defence industry sector in May [ see p. 38923 ] they were thought to support the interest group represented at the conference .
12 The defence co-operation agreement between Greece and the United States initialled in May was signed on July 8 at a meeting in Athens between the Greek Foreign Minister , Antonis Samaras , and the US Defence Secretary , Richard Cheney .
13 But as the next chapter will try to demonstrate , the feeling that the relationship had been seriously weakened — and perhaps even jeopardized — did not occur until the Americans became deeply involved in the Vietnam War and the British government decided to abandon the defence role East of Suez .
14 However , the Slovene authorities , anticipating the move , earlier in the day had moved the defence force command to temporary offices elsewhere in the city .
15 Debate was confined to the purely theoretical properties of the income expenditure model in which money wages and prices were allowed to go into free fall in the presence of general unemployment .
16 After 16 weeks , the income support calculation for claimants under 60 years of age includes 100 per cent .
17 Other proposed changes included the simplification of the various existing tapers by creating a single taper , which withdraws housing support from those whose incomes are above the income support level at a faster rate than before .
18 When she is in her own home this puts her above the income support level of £44 personal allowance , plus a higher pensioner premium of £23.55 , totalling £67.55 .
19 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
20 The changes include : 7.1.1 The abolition of the additional requirements allowance and the substitution of premiums to the Income Support Scheme for elderly and disabled people .
21 I would wish warmly to join in congratulating the hon. Gentleman 's constituent on his 80th birthday , particularly as , next month , the income support premium for the over-80s will be raised in real terms for the second time in three years .
22 The little insert in the middle of the article , which I take it is not down to Sir Nicholas , is even more misleading because it suggests that the income eligibility limit on civil cases would be reduced from £3,060 to £2,293 .
23 The effect of the income tax system on the budget constraint that individuals face depends on the precise nature of the tax system .
24 Table 16–2 shows that the income tax system in the UK is progressive .
25 Although Table 16–2 shows that the income tax system in the UK is progressive , it is the entire structure of taxes , transfers , and public spending that we must examine before we can judge how much the government is effectively redistributing from the rich to the poor .
26 Unfortunately the way in which the issues were formulated and the phrasing of the questions were such that no credence can be given to the findings of the survey or to the general conclusion of the Royal Commission that ‘ there was no evidence from this enquiry of productive effort being inhibited by the income tax structure within its present limits . ’
27 The Institute 's Tax Faculty has published its response to the Inland Revenue 's consultation document , issued in July 1992 , on the reform of the income tax treatment of company cars .
28 $6,000 million shortfall Wilson unveiled plans to abandon promised income tax reductions from 26 per cent to 25 per cent for middle income earners , and to increase the income tax surcharge for upper income earners .
29 The key change was the announcement that the income tax charge on company dividends is from 6 April to be cut from 25 to 20 per cent and that the accompanying tax credit will also be cut to 20 per cent .
30 These include the requirement that on cessation of a business an employer shall pay any Class 1A contribution in respect of the current year within 14 days after the income tax month in which he makes his final payment of earnings to employees .
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