Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [prep] he " in BNC.

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1 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
2 The porter looked at him drunkenly , then beard the low , mournful howl of the dogs and quickly pushed the bolts home .
3 The porter crouched beside him , too drunk to offer any succour .
4 He sprang up with a cry , and in the same moment the tent collapsed upon him , pinning him to the ground under its heavy folds , and the hammering rain held it there , flattened crushingly over his breast , moulding itself to every feature of his face , so that he was nearly suffocated .
5 And so while he sat in a German public library and the story of the murder in the park unfolded before him in the newspapers , a novel began to stir .
6 As the seconds stretched into minutes so the advance of the soft light across the park unfolded beneath him .
7 Frere stood feeling the park sway around him as he panted , and when the dizzy motion stopped he was looking through the brilliant air at a thatched dwelling , snow-laden , secreted among the trees , its dark jetty seized in ice .
8 Prince Charles was installed as President at a degree congregation in Edinburgh in 1976 , and Sir Michael took the opportunity to underline to him that whatever ‘ the tribulations of our staff , who deal with the paper work of over 80,000 students and over 1000 courses , the Council itself and its committees and subject boards are concerned with one thing only , and that is quality ’ .
9 Andy was supervising a chlorination at a large tape manufacturers in Middlesbrough when the opportunity came for him to test drive the vehicle .
10 I had never been given the opportunity to explain to him the difficulties in making recommendations about the teaching of language .
11 Boutros Ghali , last Monday , I took the opportunity to suggest to him the need for more action in Somalia .
12 ‘ They said that Kabir the weaver was favoured of God , and the crowds flocked round him for medicines and miracles .
13 The Prince looked at him coolly .
14 The Prince looked at him sharply .
15 The Prince looked at him quickly .
16 The Prince looked at him thoughtfully .
17 K ! sdra hefted his own sword and grinned expansively as the wizard shuffled towards him .
18 What yer doin' ? ’ one of the riggers shouted at him .
19 Readiness refers to an individual 's attitude towards the change , and capability refers to an individual 's capacity to do whatever the change requires of him or her .
20 And even as he gave up , as he let himself lean back against the wall , he was holding on , knowing he had backed down and it was over , but doing it gradually so we would n't see the change come over him .
21 As the stretcher passed by he pulled back the blanket .
22 He saw the knot of people beyond the flames gazing at him in puzzled amazement , but they made no response .
23 Hide and let them pass , ’ it all came flooding back to him as the flames leapt around him .
24 The lieutenant looked at him without enthusiasm .
25 Christian went on to tell the gipsies of the award made to him by the enclosure commissioners , but he was interrupted abruptly by Boz , who said , ‘ There 's no water in Faws Grove . ’
26 As a test of his strength Utnapishtim challenged him to stay awake for six days and seven nights — " But while Gilgamesh sat there resting on his haunches , a mist of sleep like soft wool teased from the fleece drifted over him , and Utnapishtim said to his wife , " Look at him now , the strong man who would have everlasting life , even now the mists of sleep are drifting over him . " "
27 Fury at the trick played on him .
28 Barat discovers the trick played upon him when he finds the real Haimet without the meat .
29 One of the giants grinned at him .
30 Shamji , who was also ordered to pay £28,960 costs , had asked the Appeal Court to reduce the sentence imposed on him at the Old Bailey on October 30 .
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