Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 His analysis was more like the algorithm embodied in one of the later versions of Bacon .
2 Before he took office the Defence estimates for 1957-58 were running at £1,700 million .
3 It does not restore the immunities enjoyed before 1979 , but it confirms the right to strike and gives strikers protection against dismissal .
4 The accessories come in three distinct qualities — Standard , Superior , and High Tech — so that you can choose the quality of the accessory needed for the job in hand , and the quality of finish required .
5 However , observers questioned its likely fairness , considering the inability to participate of three leading opposition figures : Daw Aung San Suu Kyi , the secretary-general of the main opposition party , the National League for Democracy ( NLD ) , under house arrest since July 1989 [ see p. 36816 ] and on Jan. 16 , 1990 , banned from participating in the elections [ see p. 37188 ] ; Gen. ( retd ) Tin U , the NLD chairman , imprisoned in December 1989 [ see p. 37123 ] ; and former Prime Minister U Nu , leader of the League for Democracy and Peace ( LDP ) , in December 1989 placed under a restriction order and banned from participating in the elections [ see pp. 37123-24 ] .
6 As defined by present mean sea level the continents account for 29 per cent of the Earth 's surface area and the oceans 71 per cent , but if the break of slope represented on the global hypsometric curve is used the figure for the continents is nearer 37 per cent .
7 The overseas trade fair will give 25 companies from all over Northern Ireland the opportunity to sell to hundreds of US buyers .
8 Relocation to a new area could , therefore , provide the opportunity to consolidate on one site and to provide sufficient area for future expansion .
9 He also took the chance to visit the US during one of his vacations , and commented that , apart from benefiting from the opportunity to learn at one of the top colleges , he had also enjoyed experiencing a different culture during his time in London .
10 The programme offers interdisciplinary study in the social sciences with the opportunity to specialise in one of the following degree streams : European and International Politics ; Gender in Society ; Policy Studies ; Scotland : Society and Politics ; Social and Political Theory ; Science and Technology Studies .
11 Benefits include free uniform , seven weeks annual holiday ( subject to Crab Key 's alert status ) and the opportunity to work with one of the world 's finest scientific minds .
12 For example , the Xs representation of teaching , , ( teaching ) is first expanded into the forms shown in 1 — 9 :
13 Nine out of ten of the users known to each agency lived with one or more adults , and the majority lived with one or more children .
14 Dysuria and urethral discharge are the main presenting symptoms , appearing anything from one to six weeks after catching the infection , with the majority occurring at two or three weeks .
15 The benefits for items 1–3 and 5 are only payable provided the contingency commences within 12 months of the injury .
16 These spaces were commissioned by their respective rulers and were chosen by the authors to illustrate the art produced and the ideology disseminated by three distinctive types of regime : civic republic , princely court and ‘ triumphalist ’ state .
17 This was provisionally arranged for early May 1994 , after Easter but before the ACTS gathering on 25 June .
18 Two served for the county as a whole , the remainder came from eleven boroughs .
19 Over half did not go beyond 10 miles , and more than half of the remainder stayed within 20 .
20 It would be a joint venture , the exchange indicated , with the exchange perhaps owning 40 per cent with the remainder controlled by 20 or more institutions , such as banks , registrars , securities houses and large financial institutions as well as some listed companies .
21 In 1766 a Cumberland man pointed out the difficulties of agriculture in the region — it was too wet to grow wheat — and estimated that a quarter of Cumberland was owned by thirty lords and gentlemen , and the remainder divided between 10,000 small landowners .
22 ASAS stands , apparently , for ‘ All-Singing All-Swinging ’ , and the guitar comes in two versions : ‘ semi ’ , with 60mm deep sides , a mahogany sustain block , a tune-o-matic bridge la ES-335 and two humbuckers ; or ‘ jazz ’ , with 85mm deep sides , hollow construction and an ebony bridge .
23 The phase of education in which Oxfordshire teachers are working is significantly associated with the attitudes represented by two of these factors : the efficiency and the potency of SSE , the teachers in the primary schools being the most positive , those in the secondary schools the least and those in the middle schools occupying a middle position .
24 After 10min on ice , 32 P labelled probes were added and the incubation continued for 30 min at room temperature .
25 The stairway went up ten stairs to a landing with a large window , then up another ten to the first floor .
26 Miss Hopkins wears an elegant pleated skirt , while the prince favours Plus Twos — Plus Fours have four extra inches of cloth in the leg , Plus Twos have two .
27 The prince spoke for 15 minutes about caring for the terminally ill , then extended his visit to a London conference to talk privately with health service staff .
28 The base comes in two sections which simply slot together and the top is fixed by putting the four screws provided into pre-drilled holes .
29 Patterns of swastika meander — especially the variety based on four adjacent swastikas — in conjunction with concentric , linear borders , are not common outside the region , although some notable parallels do exist .
30 The course of the split varies from one Species to another ; in some its lateral arms run dorsal to the antennal insertions , in others it runs to them or below them .
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