Example sentences of "[prep] going [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 whether they were in favour of going on to a second cycle of review and reporting and if so whether reports should deal only with a particular aspect of the school ;
2 The chances of going on to an additional baby from a given family size ( ‘ parity progression ratios ’ ) can be calculated from past data for women who have completed their families .
3 Instead of going on to the pillar-box , Auntie hesitated a moment , then took shelter from the rain in the doorway of a gent 's outfitter 's , just by the bus-stop .
4 from here but turn down at West Parley , take the right hand turn instead of going on to the airport
5 Well , it 's something er I mean obviously a lot of people like the idea of going over to the Swindon Oasis , now er we 've had at the back of our minds , if it was at all possible to er put something similar at Didcot , obviously nothing as grand as the Oasis , but something quite similar , and obviously they would come to Didcot and not bother to go over to Swindon .
6 She 'll , she 'll have the of going up to the to see her father .
7 The Chiefs of Staff took the unusual step of going down to the Royal Naval College , Greenwich , in the late spring of 1952 , where they worked for a fortnight on Churchill 's requirement with their principal scientific and technological advisers , free from the day-to-day hubbub of Whitehall .
8 But she made a point of going down to the jetty one day to tell him , ‘ I 'm really glad you found your boat . ’
9 He could n't stand the idea of going back to the section-house , so he had taken a series of private lodgings .
10 One important thing about a ‘ bottlenecked ’ life cycle is that it makes possible the equivalent of going back to the drawing board .
11 They were perfectly capable of going back to the perch without my help .
12 Especially if you do n't realize that till you 've got , till you 've got home and you realize you 've got to go through all the hassle of going back to the shop to complain .
13 But they remained Germans , always dreaming of going back to the Fatherland one day . ’
14 Well , certainly people are satisfied with where we 've got to and want to draw a line underneath it and move on from there , and I think the prospect of going back to the constitution er issues , and they m once again being a key focus , I do n't think anyone in the Party , or outside the Party , sees the Labour Party wanting to devote itself to that at this time .
15 The idea of going out to the suburb with the dog track , and confronting the confusions and embarrassments of his past life with the formidable armoury of maturity and understanding that he now possesses , appears suddenly very sweet .
16 Associate Members should get ground tickets for Wimbledon as a right instead of going in to a ballot .
17 There 's been no shortage of excuses in the past few weeks for getting thoroughly ratted , for going down to The Lamb , finding a spot in the corner and spending the entire evening doing nothing more intellectually taxing than sinking five pints of Special .
18 But erm apologies for going back to the to the discussion er yesterday but it it 's merely just to remind you , picking up the point that Mr Potter 's just made , that that certainly as far as Selby District 's concerned that circumstances have changed very drastically since the situation of ten years ago when the er the structure plan policies were were first drawn up .
19 Yeah but I 'm talking about going up to the gym .
20 Perhaps it 's the editor of Living Marxism who should think about going back to an educational establishment ?
21 ‘ Such as going back to the house and making love to you until you start begging for mercy . ’
22 It is also worth going along to a beauty salon a month or so in advance to have your make-up done .
23 So the salt you can remember it through going back to the acid plus alkali reaction , it 's the same one you get there .
24 It 's not much fun , you 're chained to the wall — it 's like going back to a medieval library .
25 But you do need to do good voice and movement workouts — it 's like going back to the keyboard for a musician .
26 It 's all a bit like going back to the Fifties , when TV 's role was to entertain and inform in equal measure .
27 It was peaceful with the plop-of the gas fire and the dark sky outside through the window , for like many old people Doris did not draw her curtains till late and Linda did not feel like going back to the bustle of tea-time , but she could n't keep them waiting for their tea .
28 It was like going back to an old friend , familiar and almost cosy .
29 Now when you went in you were carrying out a plan with you very close behind going down to the bedroom .
30 As in After Strange Gods , he is concerned in his conclusion with a return to sources , that is with going back to the savage and working forwards towards his solution to the problem– of modern industrial life ; again such a movement is presented in terms of a familiar encounter .
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