Example sentences of "[prep] being [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After being on the receiving end of the challenge which brought Marsh 's late dismissal , he allowed Piatnitski to complete a night which showed the strides the home side must make if it is to re-establish itself as a European force .
2 After being among the first of the former Soviet republics to fight to free itself from the embrace of Moscow , it has now come full circle with the recognition that it must look East as well as West for its own benefit .
3 There is plenty of scope for walking or climbing in the Outer Isles and on the mainland , and the exercise is often welcome after being in the cramped quarters of a small boat .
4 A new name will appear on the Buckhurst Hill Trophy for the runners up ; after being in the top ten for some time Solihull made a quantum leap to a net total of £27,015 .
5 He thought he 'd got too much club for his second shot on the 17th , and he did n't hit it all that hard — a 5-iron — so he came up short of the green , after being in the left-hand semi-rough .
6 At the time of Leathart 's survey , Taylor 's Level had been carried on for some 210 fathoms , and was then about 35 fathoms short of being below the deepening sump in the floor of Fleming 's .
7 But every woman makes a choice about her appearance ; she is exercising the power of the Queen of Beauty , which is to express qualities of being through the physical medium .
8 There is now no doubt that those societies who were not represented will deeply regret the step they adopted , for those would-be representatives have missed having had the honour of being at the best gathering ever held in the annals of the deaf and dumb . "
9 The logo and style are designed to reflect the best traditions of the Board and its policy of being at the leading edge of education for industry and commerce internationally .
10 In the end my parents agreed that I could go up for one year instead of being at the Royal College of Music .
11 Caspar said , in a rather flat voice , ‘ At least we can be sure of being on the right road . ’
12 The same indescribable appearance of the eyes , probably caused by the constant lack of sleep and the strain of being on the alert all the time .
13 Though soon to be exposed to Nazi atrocities as returning soldiers and the world 's press became free to speak , he enjoyed the feeling of being on the winning side , of seeing his country 's troops and their allies making strong progress across Europe .
14 Even though the NSDAP was to achieve its majority in the Danzig Volkstag with a very clear mandate from the electorate to do what it thought necessary , most Danzigers were prepared to reap the benefits of being on the winning side without pondering too deeply the significance or morality of their own personal support for a party they did not entirely trust or like .
15 It is important to begin with this sense of perspective , lest the impression be given that politics exists only for the benefit of those who practise it — a kind of hobby ( or , better still , paid profession ) for an educated élite who compete among themselves for the ‘ prize ’ of being on the winning side that forms the next government .
16 The consequences of being on the receiving end of such a notice are , of course , little less severe than when an expulsion is put into effect .
17 ‘ Raised ’ from the ruck , originally , by his family 's wealth , he does n't want to ‘ sink ’ , and rejects ‘ the idea of defeat ’ that prevails in the Third World : ‘ I 'm tired of being on the losing side .
18 ‘ There was something subduing in the influence of that silent and solemn and awful presence ( the Jungfrau ) … one had the sense of being under the brooding contemplation of spirit , not an inert mass of rocks and ice — a spirit which had looked down , through the slow drift of ages , upon a million vanished races of men , and judged them ; and would judge a million more — and still be there , watching , unchanged and unchangeable after all life should be gone and the earth had become a vacant desolation . ’
19 They accused Islamic fundamentalists of being behind the military regime with the aim of promoting fundamentalism in the region .
20 Four of the absentees suffered the squirming discomfort of being among the Welsh squad .
21 The most important of these latter are Bills concerning , e.g. , a particular local authority or public corporation ; or , more interestingly , Bills providing for the divorce of a particular couple ( now extremely rare , but formerly the only mechanism for dissolution of marriage ) or enabling a couple whose marriage would otherwise be prohibited by reason of being within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity or affinity , to marry .
22 But 11 years of being in the international wilderness takes some overhauling and there are definite signs among their young-bloods that tours like this will soon restore pride .
23 It has been suggested by Dennis Milner — doctor of science in the metallurgy department at Birmingham University who has carried out much research into etheric force-field photography — that the different potency levels relate to the different planes of being in the following way :
24 His first two were classic cases of being in the right place at the right time .
25 She was coming along the opposite pavement on foot and was looking up at the buildings as if she were not sure of being in the right street .
26 Glenn , who has one daughter and two grand-daughters , said he was very impressed with the NHS but thinks his was a case of being in the right place at the right time .
27 Basler have a knack of being in the right place at the right time for acquiring military disposals , their ramp is currently full for former Canadian Armed Forces Daks , awaiting their turn for conversion .
28 They do nt even create his goals — he s just got that luck/knack of being in the right place for deflections etc .
29 Manager Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ Proctor could have a 50–50 chance of being in the first-team squad for Charlton Athletic on Saturday . ’
30 Do you like the notion of being in the Royal Academy ? ’
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