Example sentences of "[prep] time [prep] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was , moreover , a hope which the French encouraged from time to time although what was achieved seemed always to be less than what was promised .
2 If they did look out the sentries had orders to fire on them , which they did from time to time although no one was ever injured .
3 Mr Peter the consultant orthopaedic surgeon who tended her first immediately after the accident at Hinchinbrook and thereafter in the year from April nineteen eighteen eight as well as seeing her from time to time since , had this to say about her parent 's efforts quote I think that without their constant support and stimulation and their determination that Anna Jane would function again as a rational human being .
4 So far we have looked at the consensual influence of television : at influences that varied from time to time but affected all or most citizens at any one time .
5 At first their mother 's sister had come from time to time but she and Moran had quarrelled .
6 There is evidence to suggest that young swains showed interest from time to time but were probably defeated by lack of time and opportunity on the one hand and by Hannah 's shy , reserved nature on the other .
7 Harrison v Hill [ 1932 ] SC ( J ) 13 where a road maintained by a farmer , leading from the public road to his farmhouse , was held to be a road , the farmer turned away people who were using it from time to time but it was also used by people having no business at the farm ;
8 These practices , they further note , ‘ varied not only from region to region and from time to time but also from social class to social class , so that their impact on field systems and rural settlement patterns is complex and not easy to determine . ’
9 He continued to paint and write poetry from time to time but he was now a professional and energetic film director , turning out twenty documentaries during the next eleven years .
10 As we know from time to time but not in time .
11 It 's true I think er as Mr said at some length er that er this measure would not prevent hunting in in most of the area in which it it takes place , through plenty of it happens of course well to the West of the A six er perhaps it might even get out there from time to time but our duty clearly is to see er that the right thing is done in the territory which is our responsibility and our other responsibility is surely to set an example of decent humanity .
12 I tried to contact you from time to time but you always seemed to be somewhere else . ’
13 Check from time to time that residents have something to occupy themselves on hand .
14 I have thought from time to time that I would like to write and let you know how much those lessons meant to me — and now I am !
15 ( He allows from time to time that it is also concerned with the quality , bad , but bad takes a decidedly second place in his discussions . )
16 British Government spokesmen have suggested from time to time that the Treaty on European Union represents a reversal of the process of centralisation within the Community .
17 Er , the other thing is of course colleagues that the doors at the side are , are open for very good reasons and I mentioned yesterday from time to time that once we get er we get talking there 's a that goes and colleagues at the side of Congress have a great deal of difficulty in hearing and listening to the debate .
18 My hon. Friend , who has been courteous and kind in meeting delegations led by me and by other hon. Members to discuss the problem , has pointed out from time to time that the scheme is the responsibility of the county council .
19 Erm no I I honestly do n't think that er that the the problem is as big as as big as you you say it is and I I think the the structures are there to deal with that and if if people had you know if people used them then they would they would work and they from time to time that they are used and you know it it is not impossible to get rid of rid of a teacher in in the way you are suggesting .
20 I mean we 're all worried in , in the world about cuts in various areas and the education area has its share of the cuts , we know the teachers are worried about their salaries and what 's going on in the schools , and even we hear from the University from time to time that they , things are n't as they used to be .
21 One other possible area of danger is that of good facsimiles , which are more likely to be met with from time to time than competent forgeries .
22 ‘ The enormity of the figures describing zero-point energy has led theorists to question from time to time whether these numbers should be taken seriously , or whether they are due to some defect or misinterpretation of the theory .
23 So check from time to time whether pictures should be retaken rather than reordered .
24 Also his head still pains him from time to time where he got that knock .
25 Remember to check on them from time to time and water them carefully if the compost seems dry .
26 Check from time to time and water if the compost is dry .
27 She became close to both women and , although she still saw her mother from time to time and still has a very strong relationship with her that has not been diminished by the divorce , a special bond was forged with the two older women .
28 The parents separated from time to time and the father also served a prison sentence .
29 ( Foreigners , when it happened to them , sometimes considered it a manifestation of xenophobia ; but such evidence as there is suggests it was indiscriminate , an endemic propensity to sudden rigour which overcame individuals from time to time and afflicted everyone in contact with the official thus possessed . )
30 – Taken all in all , then , the land is intrinsically more intricate than the oceans ; it has more variation , from time to time and from place to place .
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