Example sentences of "[prep] them by [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The prince , who took his force into Wales from Chester in good tight order , and at every mile ensured his lines behind him , was on his guard against his own instinctive enthusiasm as well as against Welsh armies , and knew enough about them by this time to feel no surprise that he should probe ever more deeply and carefully into North Wales , and never touch hands with anything more than a darting patrol , gone almost as soon as sighted .
2 Since then a report of the Royal College of Physicians has also emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach to the problem which takes account of the wide range of factors influencing both the supply of tobacco products and demand for them by young people .
3 Their refusal to face the fact that many schools want to opt out of having their budgeting done for them by remote administrators .
4 Beyond swing doors were the babies : mended harelips , and small creatures who had constructed for them by human skill gullet or anal opening or separate fingers with which the working cells and DNA during their gestation had failed to provide them .
5 But they also take scraps thrown out for birds , together with the bread and milk put out for them by well-meaning animal lovers .
6 What is striking about these two books is the sense they convey — little less unusual now than when they were written — of a strong and independent black community , in which people found their own way rather than having it mapped out for them by white expectations .
7 Damian ffrench-Farce , their ‘ brilliant , totally undiscovered ’ interior designer , scoured dozens of builders ' yards , hunting down just the right sort of town-house brick , thrown out in the course of demolishing other houses of similar vintage ; when the supply ran out , bricks were made specially for them by local craftsmen .
8 Well , my gran had told me that she 'd gone down to see her friends who 'd get the Brown Lion after them by this time and er I decided to go down and tell them as I could see if they had n't got the radio on they would n't have known so as I walked from Burchells down Road I could see doors throwing open lights were coming on , people were coming out in the street and dancing and I got round down to the Brown Lion and it was all in darkness , and I rang the bell on the side door and I heard a few bumps and bangs and Mr who 'd kept it then came to the door , and I said do you know the war 's over and er he said oh no come on in that 's w now his son was a prisoner of war and they had been , he 'd continually tried to escape so much that he had his photograph taken in the Sunday paper , the , the Germans had had kept chaining him to the wall and other prisoners , other soldiers had got these photographs of him and smuggled them out and got them back to England , to the nearest papers , and er he he 'd said to my nan cos he knew she 'd always worked behind the bar , he said will you serve if I open the pub now , which was about eleven o'clock at night and she said yes of course , and the they opened the Brown Lion at about eleven o'clock at night in next to no time the place was full of people drinking , celebrating and of course the next day was really it .
9 Of the 1.7 million Yugoslavs who died , more than half were killed in Bosnia , most of them by fellow Yugoslavs .
10 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
11 The crew were all clinging on to the side of the trawler and the last men off , Billy and John took 'em They got hold of them by one leg and they pulled them off .
12 All had been operated on , four of them by combined adenoidectomy and insertion of a tube and one by insertion of a tube only .
13 He went on admiring them in the face of the snobbish dismissal of them by many artists of the Hague school , who sneered at woodcuts as ‘ those things you find in the South Holland Café . ’
14 I am satisfied that in their dealings with Mr. Docherty , which I will describe , they were following to the letter the procedures required of them by present Government policy .
15 In the older nation states , after the war , fascist parties disappeared ( although they have begun to re-emerge on a small scale in recent years ) , regional and nationalist parties have been formed within existing states , there has been a succession of new political parties ( and destruction of them by military intervention ) in Latin America , while in some European countries there has been a revival of liberal and ‘ centre ’ parties and the emergence of ‘ green ’ parties .
16 It is a measure of the enthusiasm which he observed that , when Sadler duly provided a reading-list — tactfully headed with the ‘ King 's Book ’ , an episcopal compilation in which Henry VIII had had a hand — he felt it necessary to advise caution ; religious works circulating too freely had their own dangers , as Henry had recognized , when he passed an act in that year forbidding the reading of them by unfit groups , women , artificers and labourers .
17 OLD ASIA hands still talk nostalgically about the Good Old Days in many of the region 's cities and ports , which have since had much of their former life and glamour squeezed out of them by oppressive regimes , overcrowding or economic decline .
18 An Institute of Management survey of 1,500 women managers , commissioned by BhS , revealed ‘ widespread prejudice ’ against them by male managers .
19 For the rest , they can choose either to give preferential treatment to foreign firms ( by means of incentives not available to local firms ) , or to discriminate against them by such means as Brazil 's market reserve policies .
20 They are likely to be welcomed by Germany and France , but there is already a considerable lobby against them by Italian book publishers who would like to retain existing rules as to when material enters into the public domain .
21 England twice beat them easily enough in the World Cup ( by 138 runs and eight wickets ) , but in the opening match of that competition , Pakistan only succeeded in defending 267 against them by 15 runs .
22 In the 1970s , after a sharp rise in the price of oil , banks were eager to lend the enormous sums of money invested with them by oil-producing countries .
23 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
24 They can not concentrate wholly on matters put before them by civil servants because they have to deal with parliamentary duties , party business and constituency cases .
25 Of their own inclination the people will not apparently leave the place … they prefer to stay on , meeting calls upon them by small accommodation bills , thus gradually impoverishing themselves and making their prospects cheerless . ’
26 Babies do not enter this world suffering from anxiety ; it is a condition which is imposed upon them by other people — although not necessarily intentionally .
27 The demands placed upon them by academic subjects could be put on one side , they could devote their minds with urgency to the mastery of new skills and knowledge .
28 The Frome Turnpike Trustees have returned to the scene ; the powers vested in them by previous legislation having been insufficient to meet their needs , they were now given a helping hand on 19 June 1797 , with :
29 Though it must be remembered that this is no a priori scheme imposed upon the appearances , but rather an interpretation gradually distilled from them by prolonged contemplation .
30 Any debris dislodged from them by hydraulic action sinks to the depths and can not be used by the waves to attack the cliffs .
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