Example sentences of "[prep] them [conj] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They 'll be terrified of hearing you say something about them that they ca n't bear . ’
2 Negative numbers , directed numbers all sorts of funny names for them and people get very confused about them but we 'll sort those out we 'll have a look at the number line which is a good way of doing it .
3 There 's only the castle grounds that 's a park in the city centre you 've got to pay a quid to go in there on Saturdays and Sundays and I think these trees really matter I am concerned and I 'm going to ask questions about them and I will talk to David about it as well although the leaf stem he can keep himself .
4 He should have left the bloody things off because they 're gon na have to take them off if they have their carpets down and might have to have something planed off them or something might n't they ?
5 She ca n't hear beauty singing through them like I can !
6 Well it actually does n't very , it does n't touch the actual fence it erm all along the concrete poles they 've got holes through them where you can put some wire different higher of fence you see
7 We read that the apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John down to them and ‘ when they arrived , they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit , because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them ; they had simply been baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus .
8 If you embark on using someone as your detective who is immensely superior to yourself either intellectually or in the social scale ( and by that I do not mean any conventional listing of dukes , earls , barons and honourables ) you will be heading for trouble when you try to have the sort of insights for them that they would naturally have .
9 In the fourth Gospel Jesus tells his followers , heart-broken because he is going to leave them , that it is better for them that he should do so :
10 Daphne would happily have paid for them but I would n't allow her to as I wanted my classmates to think we were pals .
11 Liz Norton will now be writing a double ration for them but it will be divided into ‘ Simply Silver ’ for punchcard machines and the new ‘ Silver Scene ’ devoted to the electronic machines .
12 Ca n't the council find a pitch for them so we can have a clear walking area ?
13 At that time , the B52 bombers were being introduced in large numbers and they needed air crews for them so we 'd be crossing the Atlantic with enough crews on one ship to man almost 1,000 aircraft . ’
14 Be so traumatic for them cos you can actually feel the baby moving
15 We kept putting food on the ledge for them and they would go out for relatively short flights and then return .
16 It only takes a couple of players to have mediocre starts for them and they will be down there and lose confidence .
17 What , in order to decide whether they 're going to give us the contract what they have asked us to do is prepare a thirty minute radio , sorry thirty second radio presentation and we will re , record for them and they will hear , which we want to emphasise based on how good that was whether they want to take the contract out with us .
18 And if I may we 'll set something up for them and we 'll try and get the shirt on the telly and whatever and try and get people to remember .
19 And then we used to put some coops there and small runs for them and we used to carry them there , every night because they settled down better in the night than in the daytime .
20 Yeah I said to her if you look up what they were I 'll pay you for them and I 'll have them if you like he 's a real sweetheart he 's a good boy yeah Look what I bought today Tony .
21 Well this is a marvellous new form of economics , if we could just create things and er export them without getting paid for them and it would n't us .
22 It is a great burden for them if they can not share their uncertainty in the face of a complicated diagnosis , or their distress if they have to predict an inevitable death or permanent disability .
23 Marriage wo n't be a big change for them as they 'll be living in the same place , you know .
24 But that 's the real world and we have to be positive and make it the best for them as it can be , with love , affection and trust . ’
25 They seemed to have a secret between them that I could n't share . ’
26 He especially liked to be taken to the home of a couple , to sleep securely between them if they 'd let him , and then in the morning to ask them questions about their house , about the furniture which they 'd chosen together .
27 Him and Mr he was another butcher , he was a wholesaler , and he used to perhaps buy twenty or thirty between them and we used to drive them home from Upware and split them .
28 By this time I was feeling very friendly towards them and I might have said something to the effect : " If you will just mosey on down this trail ( meaning the main road between Cambridge and Huntingdon ) you will come to Alconbury , some 15 to 16 miles away . "
29 ‘ How are you ? ’ — ‘ I 'm fine ’ , and talk about the weather are designed to make another individual feel comfortable , to let them know that we are positively disposed towards them when we can not think of anything more significant to say .
30 Now I 'm going to pull down a whole pile of these things and make a nest out of them so we 'll be warm and cosy until we 're rescued from each other . ’
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