Example sentences of "[prep] what they would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 So should voters , it would be rather absurd I think , well Mill thinks , that if jurors were expected to come to a decision on the basis of what they would prefer , would you prefer this person to be sent down or would you prefer them to get off .
2 He knew why they had swept him from his horse and he was terrified of what they would do to him .
3 When pressed and asked , ’ What if British Steel refuses to change its policy after talking ? ’ the Opposition gave no indication of what they would do .
4 Consumers are prepared to wait for sales and even go for cheaper versions of what they would buy in better times , says a survey published yesterday .
5 We did not make it clear that the table showed not the banks ' actual ratios but a hypothetical estimate of what they would have been had the banks not borrowed subordinated loans to boost their capital ( as Japan 's finance ministry let them do after June ) .
6 The by-laws were lawful not because of what they said but rather because of what they would have said if they had been drafted lawfully .
7 Because of what they would have done to us . ’
8 It has even led in extreme cases to a few excavators being so certain of what they would find before they put a spade into the ground , that evidence was selected and rejected in accordance with their predetermined thinking .
9 The first important facet of this inside story is teachers ' own view of what they would wish the job to be like .
10 With such facts in mind , the preference utilitarian may suggest that our aim should be not just that people should somehow have as much subjective experience as possible of the kinds they most prefer , but that as much as possible of what they would like to have happen should happen .
11 Both speakers will give an account of their work and of what they would like from a supervisor .
12 Just like what they would do .
13 Cos you know to look at the bottom line of total design fees against what they would have been if we 'd gone in fixed price ?
14 The upshot is a version of what is known as preference utilitarianism , for which what counts in favour of an act is not that it promotes a kind of experience known as pleasure or prevents a kind of experience called pain , but that it provides people with what they would prefer to have and prevents their having what they would prefer not to have .
15 However , some radiation will still find its way around even these substantial barriers , increasing the exposure to the workforce above what they would expect from the ‘ natural ’ radiation given off by the sun or the earth .
16 Piers asked Alyssia pleasantly , and she again felt as though they were both making an enormous effort to include her in what they would have preferred to be an intimate tête-à-tête .
17 ‘ That is something we asked for years ago which has not been implemented , particularly because Dublin is not prepared to co-operate with London in what they would see as interning Irish citizens on Irish soil .
18 When we have what one might call this coarse-cut overview , we then have tended to approach the businesses and ask them to produce a variety of scenarios ranging from what they would like to do in a totally free world with access to unlimited money , to the extremes of divestiture at the other end .
19 But even if we accept that there is a significant difference between the ‘ legal ’ and ‘ political ’ processes in the way in which decisions are reached , they would both still come firmly within the definition of power we adopted in part I , that is the ability to get others to do what you want them to , assuming this is different from what they would have done anyway , with the use or threat of sanctions if necessary .
20 The picture that we now have from Oppenheimer 's work is as follows : The gravitational field of the star changes the paths of light rays in space-time from what they would have been had the star not been present .
21 However , the majority of teachers who were interviewed claimed that they had not done anything different from what they would have done were they not being observed , but that they had probably prepared lessons more carefully and thought things through more .
22 It is easy to forget that the majority of the people living on earth still lived and died where they had been born , or , more precisely , that their movements were no greater or no different from what they would have been before the Industrial Revolution .
23 ‘ Before , the tariffs did n't reflect our demand patterns , and the savings averaged have been up to 20% over what they would have been . ’
24 But the biblical material may simply not be amenable to what they would say .
25 Has the Minister considered whether it would make more sense if young men and women from working-class families who leave school at 16 or 17 and are thrown into slave labour schemes where they earn a little over £20 a week , but who want to stay on at school , could stay on and be paid a sum equivalent to what they would get on training schemes ?
26 If by our standards their lot was a hard one , what they suffered inside was nothing to what they would have had to endure outside from a still brutalised populace .
27 We think now , as Christmas approaches , and that elusive fishkeeping present becomes top priority , is the perfect time to get the unbiased recommendations of our experts as to what they would buy , given the chance .
28 They would sit and talk for hours about what they would do when they left school .
29 Revealingly , not one of the 24 leading directors invited to fantasise in Projections about what they would do with complete creative freedom and limitless cash can make any sense of the question .
30 Out of approximately one hundred prospective overseas students I spoke with , the majority said they had little intention of returning to China unless conditions improved in all aspects of life in the near future , but they were vague about what they would do overseas once their initial period of advanced education was complete .
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