Example sentences of "[prep] what was [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the convoys began to mass on friday police from six counties joined forces in a combined operation — devised after what was regarded by many as the fiasco at Castlemorton last year .
2 After what was deemed to be considerable negotiating success with the wretched pay beds , I was left in relative tranquillity from government activity for a short time only .
3 The cricket chairman , Brian Close , after what was described as a ‘ well-briefed ’ report invited comments .
4 Pontypridd captain STEELE LEWIS had a three-week suspension imposed on him by his club following what was described as ‘ an internal incident ’ .
5 Between 20 and 60 people were said to remain in detention following what was described as a failed coup attempt on Jan. 8-9 by Afar politician Ali Aref Bourhan .
6 He strode towards what was left of the undergrowth and started cutting it down .
7 Impressive though productivity growth was by Britain 's historical standards , the absolute level of productivity was well below what was required for international competitiveness [ Pratten , 1976b ] .
8 Officials say it is because the two sides have different versions of what was decided at the previous negotiations that the ceasefire has broken down .
9 But in so doing the Prime Minister overlooked two crucial aspects of what was decided at that summit .
10 Much of what was noted in Chapter 7 is relevant here .
11 The row followed publication of what was said to be the Queen 's full message in The Sun newspaper .
12 — He understood very little of what was said to him in the Outpatient Clinic and could not explain it to his wife .
13 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
14 On the latter point , the hon. Gentleman is well aware of what was said at the time of the Barlow Clowes affair , following an investigation by the ombudsman into what was seen to be a unique set of circumstances .
15 Almost all of what was said about this in Chapter 3 is relevant wherever TNCs create jobs , but there are some additional factors to be considered where this occurs in the Third World .
16 In some variants of reported speech where the speaker is only implicitly identified , the words may be not so much a straight transformation of what was said as a summary or paraphrase of it .
17 This book ( 103pp ) contains the edited texts of the main talks , and a digest of what was said in the discussion groups .
18 Commenting on the many questions asked he pointed out that a literal understanding of what was said in the O.T .
19 The specific effect of using a colon instead of a semicolon is to suggest that what comes next is a more specific example , or an explanation , of what was said in the first sentence .
20 The decision in Gillian has now been overruled by statute : see section 2(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 ; Electrical , Electronic , Telecommunication and Plumbing Union v. Times Newspapers Ltd. [ 1980 ] Q.B. 585 ; but that in no way detracts from the persuasive force of what was said by Uthwatt J. in Gillian .
21 I should like to reply to more of what was said by the hon. Member for Sedgefield when he opened the debate .
22 Back in the good old days Turkey used to be part of what was know as ‘ Asia Minor ’ , or the ‘ Near East ’ , to distinguish its differences from Europe .
23 Four phases can be identified in the development of economic relations between the two regions : ( 1 ) In the 1920s tentative links were initiated by the new Soviet government , which was anxious to secure diplomatic recognition and to explore the potential for trade with Latin America as part of its attempt to break out of what was perceived as an economic blockade by the Western nations .
24 Shareholders will be circulated with details of this ‘ in a matter of weeks ’ , according to yesterday 's statement , and they will be interested to hear the details of what was dismissed by London as a ‘ piece of financial engineering , pure and simple . ’
25 I ask whether the legacy is only of what was owed at the time the will was made or if later increases in that sum by way of interest are also included .
26 The Association also published a detailed rebuttal of what was regarded as an offensive and misleading book about the island by a writer of popular travelogues .
27 By 1737 he had begun to acquire over 200 acres of what was regarded as desolate heath-land sloping down to the River Mole near Cobham in Surrey , and he turned it into an ornamental park , Painshill Park .
28 Since complete title pages , in the modern sense , appear in most books from about 1520 , the colophon thereafter declined in use and , where found , gives only cursory information in extension or confirmation of what was stated at the outset .
29 The church is in fact only the north aisle of what was intended to be a mini-cathedral .
30 Any thought of what was to happen to his family home in Belfast had to be shelved until a joint decision could be reached with his brother when he next came home on leave .
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