Example sentences of "[prep] what [pers pn] must [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I expected it to be either genetics or haematology , after what you must have seen this morning . ’
2 It had been a convenient fiction to smooth the path towards what he must have seen as their inevitable destiny in that great , soft bed .
3 It all seemed too important for that : a warning of what was inside us all as human beings and of what we must avoid at all costs .
4 If children fear that their parents will stop loving them when they are naughty , they soon absorb the idea of what they must do .
5 It has to be done , thought Taliesin , torn between agony for Fergus and the knowledge of what they must do .
6 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
7 And all the time my cut thumb reminded me of what I must forget to stay sane ; all the time sick with worry about what 's happening to me so I have to keep ordering myself : Think about the invalid .
8 Just a desperate imitation of what he must think the real thing 's like .
9 Anyone who has romantic ideas of what it must have been like for great women and men to be filled with God 's Spirit should think again if the story of Mary is anything to go by .
10 To be greeted by complete strangers with instant derision was a sobering experience , and it vividly reminded me of what it must have been like for those first black people , in the eighteenth century , walking the streets of England freely .
11 As we trooped in for the service , the sun caught it and , for a moment , I had a virion of what it must have really looked like , all those years ago , when they nailed poor old JC up before the people , one bright day in palestine .
12 £ But I think to give us perhaps a more vivid idea of what it must have been like for ordinary people , these are 3 houses in St Aldate 's that do n't exist any more , they 're down more-or-less where the police station is , erm and we do know exactly who lived there , and who was actually there during the war .
13 I have no right to go against what I must presume to be his wishes ? ’
14 He knew no English and took no interest in what he must have regarded as a far flung outpost of his Angevin Empire — except for the revenues it could bring .
15 Ruth 's thoughts flinched from what it must feel like to be Fand — she seemed hardly to exist , so much had been taken from her .
16 A good illustration of this principle is provided by the rules concerning ‘ statutory default powers ’ , that is , powers of ministers of central government to give directions to an authority which fails to perform some statutory duty ( or , sometimes , a statutory power ) as to what it must do in pursuance of its duty ( or in exercise of its power ) .
17 A constable need not be in uniform when he effects the arrest ( and calls for the defendant to desist as a preliminary ) , although if an off-duty policeman does attempt to implement the Act , strict conditions should be observed as to what he must do and say to make it plain that he is a constable .
18 But now , the soft clicks coming with typical irregularity , he listened to them painfully and let his mind slide back ten years to what he must remember , to the truth he must recall if he were going to be able to tell lies .
19 Settling in , I looked out of the window and reflected on what it must have been like for the men building the Trans-Australia Railway when hundreds of navvies , using horses , camels and a few machines , battled their way across the inhospitable plain , which in winter crackles underfoot with frost while summer temperatures exceed a baking 50°C .
20 This would not be a problem if it was n't for another silly set of rules about what you must wear .
21 Sapt talked to me for three hours about what I must do and what I must say , what I liked and what I did n't like .
22 He waited until they were out in Reception before apologising again about what she must have overheard while she was eating her supper .
23 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
24 Though , on looking across at him , and observing that one eyebrow had ascended aloft at what he must consider was the sharpness of her answer , she realised that she was never likely to get an interview if she did not control her exasperation at his evasive non-answers to most of her questions .
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