Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] must [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In either event , mechanical or electrical , the sound impulses would have to pass through the waterproof casing , after which they must pass through the fuselage of the plane . ’
2 You then go south , to meet a minor road known as South Town Lane which you follow for around 500 yards after which you must branch off to cross a plantation called the Warren .
3 It was that through which he must pass next .
4 This is because men can not properly develop their powers except in co-operation and friendship with others , and because the true goods of human life , those which we need for our own personal fulfilment , are not goods in some limited supply for which we must compete , but ones which each can the better enjoy , the more others are enjoying them .
5 The level of demand is to do not only with the tasks as they are done but also with the duration for which they must continue to be done .
6 With slick efficiency successive Conservative administrations have used teacher unrest ( for which they must take a considerable share of responsibility ) as a justification for taking an even firmer control of the whole education service .
7 This was a thoroughly inspired performance by the team , for which I must take all the credit .
8 Or or some vague question like that er for which you must work out the answers .
9 Gold cards , for which you must have an income of around £25,000 a year , are an attractive option because of the
10 Linguistic research which was meant to help women understand and change their reality is being used here to hurt them , if only by creating in the mind of the female reader one more problem , a linguistic inadequacy for which she must blame herself .
11 These are the not-books for which he must take responsibility .
12 Certainly the picture of him during this period is of a man haunted by guilt and remorse ; it seems that he felt he had no right to happiness , and the death of his wife had only served to convince him that he had done some irreparable harm to another human being , for which he must undergo a period of punishment .
13 And the total they seek is now around five hundred and sixty million pounds — of which they must deposit ten percent by the thirtieth of this month .
14 In more realistic conditions , however , managers are faced with a complex series of questions in the resolution of which they must exercise choice , for example , about plant location , production methods , employment levels , output , advertising , investment , research and development , and so on .
15 Most of the textbooks , were handed to us came from cupboards of storage , of which they must have had about sixty each , those classes were always , from then on , sixty boys in a class for one teacher .
16 It is unreasonable that local health authorities should have to compare routine needs — for hernia operations , or knee and hip joint operations — with the problems surrounding experimental surgery , of which they must have no direct knowledge .
17 And all this merely supplements and whets the appetite for the serious nourishment of hot dogs and beer , in search of which you must leave your seat and descend below the stands .
18 It adds that a tender and documents given by LCH to a buying member are deemed to comply with the contract terms unless the buyer notifies LCH to the contrary by 10 am the next day , in default of which he must pay for them .
19 That is the background of neglect against which we must realise that the Bill is being introduced .
20 In other words , there are no revenues included against which we must charge future expenses and there are no expenses against which we must match future revenues : there are no hidden liabilities but at the same time there are no hidden windfalls .
21 This is the background against which we must see the departure of William Charles Titford for London .
22 In other words , there are no revenues included against which we must charge future expenses and there are no expenses against which we must match future revenues : there are no hidden liabilities but at the same time there are no hidden windfalls .
23 However third parties may not be able to form a proper view of the extent of the powers of the organisation with which they must deal .
24 There they laboured and ate and prayed and slept and raised their kids , and treasured their stockpile of bolt guns and heavy stub weapons with which they must defend their domicile and livelihood against families not allied to them nor owing fealty to Lord Spinoza .
25 It is realistic to recognise that there is a significant problem with which we must deal and that it is right to do so .
26 We need not wait for evil to swoop out of the cosmos or ascend from the depths of hell : it is here now , not incarnate in human form but embodied in the structures and philosophies of our modern culture.l It is this contemporary culture with which we must grapple and fight .
27 She was trying to grasp the radically changed situation with which she must come to terms .
28 Issuing an imperative ultimatum , which had given her no room for manoeuvre , and with which he must have known she could n't possibly have agreed , he had abruptly and swiftly left the country .
29 If the contract is cancellable under the Consumer Credit Act as well as under the Regulations , it is only the provisions of the former with which he must comply — i.e. provisions as to giving the customer notice of his cancellation rights .
30 I have always had very limited sympathy with what is rather mis misdescribed in my er er view , as industrial action , but there is one in history , one instance of industrial action with which I must tell Your Lordships I feel an increasing sympathy .
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