Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A Norwegian freedom fighter who knew the area was to take her to the nearby village , after which she was on her own .
2 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
3 Of Stock Ghyll force Ambleside about which he was in high praise :
4 His wife , Janie , whom he married in 1879 , abetted by her mother , persuaded him after three years of matrimony during which he was in the coasting trade , to settle permanently ashore , helping him to open , first a " cook-shop " and then a larger business in Sunderland which became known as " Wilson 's Temperance Hotel and Dining Rooms " .
5 He eventually managed to secure some work in the form of a commission from a surgeon with the Dutch East India Company at Mannheim , an amateur flautist , to compose ‘ three short , simple concertos and a couple of quartets for the flute ’ ( 10 December 1777 ) , for which he was to be paid 200 gulden .
6 For him the synthesis was asymptote towards which he was for ever approaching without ever quite reaching it ; it was a reality , incapable of complete realization .
7 In 1888 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects , and also the Art Workers ' Guild , of which he was to be an enthusiastic and devoted member , and which provided his main circle of friends ; he was elected master of the guild for the year 1903 .
8 He was a prolific writer of learned articles in the Veterinarian of which he was for a time co-editor , and his classical education is reflected in his thoughtful commentaries .
9 As political conditions in China became increasingly chaotic in the decade after World War I Aglen found his responsibilities becoming not only more onerous , but also more difficult to carry out without coming into conflict with one or other of the Chinese factions making demands upon him as custodian of revenues of which he was in sole charge .
10 The right hon. Gentleman may personally have achieved a rather soft landing , but sadly that was not true for the economy of which he was in charge .
11 She left elementary school at fourteen to take a job filling seed packets for five shillings a week ; later she worked for a draper and subsequently for the Co-op , where she joined the union movement of which she was to be a lifelong member .
12 She left Queen 's in 1850 and it was in that year that she founded the school of which she was to be head for forty years , the North London Collegiate School for Ladies , which opened in the Buss Camden Street house on 4 April 1850 with thirty-five pupils .
13 This included the computerisation of the organisation 's archive , of which I was in charge .
14 Just before this , however , he won a scholarship to Balliol College Oxford , with which he was to be associated until his death .
15 Wordsworth contributed to the growth of ‘ Humanity ’ , the climate of opinion in which Shaftesbury was able to proceed with factory legislation ; and surely his attitude of reverence towards landscape formed public opinion , so that one now needs planning permission to site a factory and the line of a motorway has to be negotiated ; certain areas have become National Parks , and one can not help noticing how many of these were districts where Wordsworth lived or with which he was in some way associated ( see Gazetteer ) .
16 My father travelled to Nairobi by way of Mega , Moyale , Marsabit , Laisamis and Nyeri , all places with which I was to be familiar some fifty-five years later .
17 He made one point with which I was in complete agreement — that to date there had been no positive selling of the merits or advantages of this treaty by its principal proponents .
18 It was directed at an audience to which a man of lesser wit and native grace might have been tempted to talk down ( it has to be remembered that by this time Boulestin and his restaurant had already become almost legendary ) but this was a trap into which he was at the same time too subtle and too naturally courteous to fall .
19 The plaintiffs obtained an injunction to restrain the defendants notwithstanding that the product in question ( a swizzle stick embossed with the name of the ship upon which it was to be used ) was available to anyone who happened to take a cruise on that ship .
20 Her monograph , The Metabolism of Fat , published in 1943 as the first of Methuen 's monographs in biochemistry , summarized her views on the field , in which she was by then a recognized authority .
21 His branch , in which he was at first the only officer , was called GS ( R ) .
22 Meese did in fact call while they were there , to set up an interview with North for the next day , Sunday : the interview in which he was to be confronted with the memorandum .
23 General Hodge thus had the first of the many tempestuous scenes in which he was to be involved with Rhee over the next two years .
24 Why did he always choose to lose his temper over issues in which he was in the wrong ?
25 Courts are however reluctant to take any action which will close premises down , as evidenced by the Shoreham and Cheltenham cases , in which it was between four and five years after the issue of the original writ that the businesses were finally closed down .
26 O'Rourke 's voice was unruffled as ever , unmoved by the less than flattering reference to the Sixth Fleet , from which he was on temporary loan .
27 Not only had many esoterics died there ( and he did n't enjoy the proximity of death unless he 'd been its bringer ) , but the Retreat was a passing place between the Fifth Dominion and the other four , including , of course , the home from which he was in permanent exile .
28 These books played a part in establishing a sense of historical continuity in the feminist movement , and they helped to rescue the constitutionalist women 's suffrage movement from the oblivion to which it was in danger of being consigned by the more flamboyant reputation of Emmeline Pankhurst [ q.v . ] .
29 In Dew v. Parsons , 2 B. & Ald. 562 a sheriff demanded a fee for the issue of a warrant which was larger than that to which he was in law entitled , and received payment from an attorney who was in ignorance of the law .
30 The following memorandum was presented by Vial , and read by the secretary : ‘ When the Members of the Veterinary College were occupied by objects to which I was in no wise competent I was absolutely silent — but now that it is a question to chuse [ sic ] a convenient situation for the establishment of the College , I think it a duty incumbent on me to give my advice on this important point .
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