Example sentences of "[prep] which [noun sg] can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 St Francis 's own mystical experience centred on his understanding of , and identification with , Christ the crucified redeemer ( he received the stigmata in a visionary experience at the end of his life ) , and at the heart of the theology of his followers was a stress on penance as a sacrament through which man can bring his nature into conformity with Christ .
2 The ratio can rise either as a result of an increase in OM or through a fall in P. The only route through which OM can rise is a temporary budget deficit financed by the issue of fiat money .
3 Further thought reveals however that it is not so simple , and that there are several stages , at any one of which error can occur which breaks a link in the chain of communication ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
4 That is a matter of social policy with which Parliament can deal by appropriate legislation if it wishes to do so .
5 Here , different timber was used to repair a damaged sill and , in time , the new timber has shrunk away , leaving an ugly gap into which water can soak .
6 In even smaller gardens the only solution may be a bamboo wigwam smothered with runner beans , into which junior can crawl and consider , if not the lilies , why Mum and Dad are digging a huge hole in the lawn and filling it with sand .
7 BELOW In countries where rain is likely to be a problem , shelters can be erected under which excavation can take place in all weathers .
8 The Government 's main role is to ensure a sound and stable economic framework within which enterprise can flourish and the battle against inflation can be won .
9 Delivering economic development means creating an environment of enterprise and capability within which success can bloom .
10 Video helps us provide a richer and more varied language environment within which learning can take place .
11 Perhaps it will have more meaning and be more acceptable when we consider the ways in which reading can support these various kinds of growth ( see Chapter 3 ) .
12 But as with physical wounds , it can sometimes run into complications caused by careless handling or the existence of unfavourable external or internal conditions which may delay recovery ; so the main concern of those caring for the bereaved should be to try to create the best possible conditions in which healing can take place , in which they feel loved and safe , and are permitted to take their time to absorb the fact of their loss and come to terms with it .
13 And he hailed it for providing an ideal environment in which individualism can flourish .
14 One of the great achievements of Much Ado is the transformation of prose to a medium in which romance can exist , aerated by wit .
15 An important question for those with this Marxist perspective relates to the circumstances in which capital can maintain this ideology and prevent the raising of consciousness of labour as to its own class position .
16 We try to bring about an environment in which creativity can flourish by selecting people of outstanding ability who wish to work on a problem of their own choice and for which we can imagine a substantial outcome .
17 This development has its opponents , but it does provide a way in which mathematics can become more meaningful to some of the children studying it .
18 The recorded destruction of documented Modern buildings , or their determined neglect seem to me to be the only two ways in which DOCOMOMO can remain true to the spirit of Modern architecture while communicating with representatives of the all-powerful museum culture that has architecture in its grip .
19 The text sets out guidelines for coming to a true sense of priorities in the self , not unlike those in Rolle 's Form , and then examines three ways in which man can contemplate God : in nature ( which shows us our place in creation ) , in Scripture ( which teaches the faith ) and on " God self " .
20 Another less weighted but no less effective criticism is that those areas which most need really effective state intervention are the least likely to produce the conditions in which intervention can work , the most obvious reason for this being that deprived peripheral regions are , as Banfield noted , not locations attractive to administrative and political elites of the kind needed to implement the reforms .
21 The energy crisis which we 're in at the moment , and which will , although it 's temporarily abating if we judge the prices on the oil market , will not go away , is one of the most important areas in which chemistry can contribute .
22 Weber differed , however , in incorporating rather more of the Marxist analysis into his own theory , in so far as he recognized social classes — and more generally , various ‘ constellations of interest ’ in the economic sphere as important bases of domination , in his intense preoccupation with the growth of bureaucratic domination , and in the concentration of his analysis upon the different ways in which domination can make claims to ‘ legitimacy ’ and so constitute itself as a moral authority .
23 In other words ‘ the Russian revolution will create conditions in which power can pass in to the hands of the workers … before the politicians of bourgeois liberalism get the chance to display to the full their talent for governing ’ .
24 The debate is about what sort of magnetic container to build to hold together the incredibly hot gas ( plasma ) in which fusion can take place .
25 Central vent and fissure eruptions represent the two basic ways in which magma can reach the surface .
26 There has been little support from independent black defence organizations and authentic community groups whose actions go far beyond the narrow categories in which antiracism can operate .
27 There are a number of ways in which Compact can enhance your teaching and professional development .
28 Dutton and Thomas ( 1984 ) , Ghemawat ( 1985 ) , and Porter ( 1985 ) all describe a range of different ways in which learning can take place .
29 There are a number of dimensions in which writing can vary including size , slope and connectiveness .
30 In contrast with feelings of subjective risk , authors dealing with estimates of risk have often regarded estimated risk as a multidimensional concept ( Glendon , 1987 ; Hale , 1987 ; Johnson & Tversky , 1984 ) in which context can influence the relevance of different dimensions .
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