Example sentences of "[prep] which [indef pn] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To quote Bertrand Russell , every language has a structure about which one can say nothing in that language .
2 Or it can be used to express requests for which one can assume willingness to comply : ( 209 ) ( She ) took me by the hand , and bidding me be of good cheer , set off with Gus in a coach , to pay a visit to those persons .
3 For sure , ‘ Hate My Way ’ is excellent , a whiplashed stab of emotions throughout which one can shiver along to the demons cartwheeling through Kristin 's mind .
4 It may be objected that the identification of such continuities bases a far-fetched proposition on simple coincidences , against which one can argue that it simply extends to the Reeve 's tale an alert manner of reading which has become absolutely orthodox in respect of the Miller 's Tale .
5 This account can be illustrated by considering his analysis of how discrimination training might increase the ease with which one can distinguish burgundy from claret .
6 In stratigraphy One is always using one ruler to measure another and one can only call a deposit exceptional if we have something more " normal " with which one can make a comparison .
7 A limitation is placed upon the accuracy with which one can specify the amount of energy transferred together with a knowledge of the time at which the transfer took place .
8 ‘ Serbian is the only language with which one can communicate with intelligent beings on other planets , ’ he assured parliament .
9 The ease with which one can learn a concept depends critically on the structure of the predicate p , which in turn depends on the description language .
10 I am gesturing here towards the so called method of reflective equilibrium whereby general ethical principles and particular ethical judgements , as they arise fairly spontaneously , are each reconsidered until a consistent position is found with which one can live .
11 And it did bring it home to me that we have got a major security problem in this building and in our other municipal buildings and quite frankly the ease with which anybody can come into this building at virtually any time of the day or evening astounds me .
12 In retrospect , the fact that perfect matches of other words or short word sequences can occur by accident in completely accurate transcriptions of sentences ( e.g. ‘ four ’ within ‘ California ’ ) should suggest that there is no magic threshold above which one can consider a given hypothesis correct without verifying its consistent extension to a complete spanning theory .
13 In September 1960 the General spoke of nation states as ‘ the only realities upon which one can build ’ and proposed to develop economic , cultural and defence co-operation through inter-governmental , not supranational , bodies .
14 The Profitboss develops an organization in which entrepreneurial spirit is encouraged not stilled in which everyone can develop an " entrepreneurial eye " .
15 In short , a stable and caring society in which everyone can live in reasonable comfort and security and to which everyone contributes according to their means .
16 So when we actually got out there , we go out to work in some capacity or another , either to carry out a survey of the logistics or perhaps to sort out and look at the way in which one can set up an immunisation programme in a refugee camp .
17 And if Jesus is consubstantial with God , the Kingdom of Heaven need not be something that will be inaugurated on earth in the immediate future , but something external — another realm , another dimension , in which one can expect a welcome and a reserved place on one 's death .
18 There is no way in which one can compare properties built by the MOD for service men with the scandalous performance of a number of local authorities .
19 There are places in which one can sense the numinous , the presence of spiritual forces more easily than others .
20 There are Wild Water Rapids : a long , winding channel of agreeably-warm water , down which one is swept by gravity and the force of the current , and in which one can pretend to be in the closing scene of The Towering Inferno .
21 One makes one 's reputation , and one 's reputation enables one to achieve the conditions in which one can do good work . ’
22 A crystal ball in which one can call up the past ?
23 Although Lord Rees-Mogg 's confession that he is not a modernist can just about explain his neglect of artists such as Schoenberg , Proust , Kafka , Beckett and Auden , sheer ignorance is the only way in which one can account for the omission of Charles Sherrington , Alan Hodgkin , Lord Adrian and David Hubel , to name but four in neurophysiology ; Rutherford , Bohr , Planck , Heisenberg , Dirac and Gell-Man in physics .
24 There are all sorts of ways in which one can attempt to alleviate suffering but killing your son by any method , whether starvation or some quicker execution , is not among them .
25 The feeling that incomers might be a problem necessitates ways in which one can prove this and attempt to ameliorate the situation .
26 There is perhaps only one situation in which one can envisage the majority speaking , and it is not a voice which one wants to hear .
27 Not only does Orlando explore gender issues and sexual politics , in which Swinton is interested , but it also presents a sweep of family history , with which she can identify ; the family line stretching back through time , the ancient portraits in which one can see one 's own features .
28 Being on six floors does not allow for sweeping vistas , but this is not a shop in which one can get lost any more .
29 The reason why this book has not yet been written is that conscious experience of the presence and life of the Spirit among contemporary Christians is so thin and weak and hampered that conditions do not exist in which anyone can write with full-blooded conviction on the subject .
30 They are a balm in which anyone can believe .
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