Example sentences of "[prep] all be a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of what value after all is a power which one could never use , or at any rate did not know how to use ?
2 Regulation can after all be a matter of acting on positive or negative evidence , the adjustment of behaviour by reference to feedback information .
3 It will after all be a waste of time to send details of a luxury fur to a down-market magazine aimed at working mums and equally useless to send details of a white flour and additive-based convenience product to a health food magazine .
4 By the time he was seven he had ‘ perfect pitch ’ ; he could also improvise on the keyboard in various styles , play with the keys hidden under a cloth , sight-read anything he was given , add a bass line to a tune , and had ‘ taught himself ’ the violin ( although such a claim should perhaps be treated with some scepticism — his father after all was a violin teacher ) .
5 Uhtred after all was an Englishman , only one of a list of would-be savers of righteous pagans from the British Isles .
6 Most enjoyable of all is A swan ( ‘ En svane ’ ) , always a favourite of Flagstad , where the glorious voice peals out as if in its prime .
7 Politicians tend to act from baser motives , of which the strongest of all is an instinct for their own survival .
8 The newest of all was a cow 's name — Mercedes .
10 A free for all was a scandal .
11 What he wanted from Byers above all was an offer — a plausible offer — to bring two hundred people down to Fortingall .
12 Such successes may be short-lived , but the possibility of it happening at all is a dimension to be considered by the major political parties .
13 That the building exists at all is a wonder , as it was very badly damaged in World War II .
14 That J&F Johnston find themselves in the Middle East at all is a testament to the good works of Scottish Trade International , the joint Scottish Enterprise/Scottish Office agency .
15 The very fact that some of the critics got their letters published at all is a demonstration of ZZAP ! 's commitment to its readership .
16 That it is here at all is an act of faith on the part of the Academy 's management , who were well aware of the political overtones the show carried in the States and has inevitably brought with it to London .
17 I do not mind at all being a parlour maid , though I do you I am feeling much happier and calmer .
18 That he should write it at all was a measure of his egocentrism .
19 How , after such an accident , its limbs managed any speed at all was a miracle , but it was off at a pace that Marlin could n't hope to match .
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