Example sentences of "[prep] all [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A VITAL World Cup soccer match this week between Albania and the Republic of Ireland will be seen on TV by Irish fans after all despite a breakdown in negotiations for broadcasting rights by RTE .
2 And Celtic 's Pat Bonner will be playing for Ireland in Belfast after all in a fortnight .
3 After all in an age where everyone is becoming more environmentally aware , perhaps it is only fitting that even artists are getting into recycling .
4 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
5 Here , for example , is an initial organisation of an essay on the Scottish novelist Josephine Tey : introduction career as a London playwright recent critical appraisal powers of description humour education church the divided self the divided self — most of all as a woman her final novel — The Singing Sands .
6 It is suggested above that no public library can satisfy demand for all these types of material — least of all at a time of diminishing resources .
7 Had I known that he intended to throw his claim to the leadership into the ring within a matter of hours , I would have tried to dissuade him from it then and there , for people never like being bounced , and least of all at a time of emotional stress .
8 I think that we have to start a movement first of all with a recognition of where we are united and a recognition of where we are different .
9 Peter and his partner worked hard together , starting first of all with a stall in Berwick Street market in London 's West End .
10 So like , there was me sort of all of a sudden wearing like old T-shirts and stuff in bed so that I 'd got quite high collars and mum was sort of going
11 It is evident that the only government which can fully satisfy all the exigencies of the social state is one in which the whole people participate ; that any participation , even in the smallest public function , is useful ; that the participation should everywhere be as great as the general degree of improvement of the community will allow ; and that nothing less can be ultimately desirable than the admission of all to a share in the sovereign power of the state .
12 Least of all from a creature like that , lost to all decency and proper codes of conduct .
13 In a similar way , the lives of all in a novel like Bleak House — from Sir Leicester and Lady Dedlock , through the whole gamut of society , down to the outcast Jo of Tom-all-Alone 's — are intimately connected , yet are unaware of that connection .
14 By redirecting services to fully populated areas , the city could provide services for all at a cost it could afford .
15 Unfortunately one was having its innards repaired at the time and another gave up the ghost after operating for all of a second .
16 ( Gav looked defensive for all of a micro-second , a concession my lacerated self-respect fell upon with all the pathetic desperation of a humiliatingly defeated politician pointing out that well , things can only get better . )
17 For all of a minute , it seemed , we could hear the sound of his body falling , the rattle of the stones it dislodged .
18 About the middle of the month Nils discovered metal fatigue in two of the seacocks , the worst being the inflow to the heads , which meant that for all of a week , till we could slip yet again and fit replacements , we were using a good old-fashioned shit bucket .
19 It would clearly be impracticable for all of a party 's members to foregather from every corner of a region to select and rank its list candidates , so it is sometimes suggested that American style primaries should be held for this purpose .
20 It may happen that the optimal tableau of LPk for some k has for all in a row i containing a structural variable x r and is not integral .
21 If an agent does a good job with the first one , and builds a successful relationship with the manager , there is no reason why that agent ca n't deal with all of a manager 's acts .
22 Most managers want to deal with all of an artist 's activities in the entertainment business throughout the world .
23 Old age rarely seems to be regarded by a writer as interesting in itself : it is relevant above all as an influence on a young , new life , and never as the culmination of a lifetime .
24 But it is exposed above all in a letter of Alcuin ( 796 ) criticizing the whole policy .
25 This was one of the dozens of expensive Pahlavi public-relations productions commissioned by propaganda , and some , like this one — beautiful but marked above all by a pseudomysticism .
26 Over the years , the experts seem to have got in all of a lather over what we should do to cleanse our skin properly .
27 ‘ I do n't know what 's brought this on all of a sudden … ’
28 The availability of this badge to all at a cost of 6d was widely advertised and nearly ten thousand were sold .
29 This book should appeal to all with a sense of humour and an appreciation of the ridiculous .
30 ‘ Where have they all disappeared to all of a sudden , Maggie ? ’
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