Example sentences of "[prep] which i will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For which I 'll pay .
2 Write Ellen and by express even telegram for which I will pay in order that I might have the relief of knowing you have understood and all is clear .
3 A a as you and various other people likely said erm a lot of people regarded it as a kind of act of erm racial er disloyalty I 'm not bothered about what race I am , I 'm just bothered about the truth , and the truth is that I think erm Moses was not Jewish well who 's to know , who 's to know erm as I said it 's a fascinating book and if , if you like that kind of detective story approach to history , you , you might , you might enjoy reading it , erm there are , i it raises a lot of other issues , many of which I 'll talk about in the , in the lectures , so I , I wo n't waste time say repeating it all here .
4 There are areas , one or two of which I will go on to elude to , which I still think are actually going to make for the greatest savings in the coming financial year and thereafter .
5 I enclose herewith a photocopy of my suggested replies to the various categories , with the exception of ‘ What is your planned use of reserves ? ’ and ‘ What is your Regional charge on band D of the Council Tax ? ’ , both of which I will leave for you to insert at the appropriate time .
6 Councillor has lived and worked all his life in with the exception of his war service in the army which was spent in the South of England , of which I will make mention later .
7 He has his failing however , I am sorry to say , the particulars of which I will explain when we meet .
8 My plan , the details of which I will announce shortly , does just that . "
9 The reasons for this are complex , and are partly related to modern scholarship and partly connected to an over-rationalistic view of redemption in both Catholic and Protestant denominations ( both of which I will elucidate towards the end of this chapter ) .
10 In particular , it is necessary to pay close attention to the relationship of civil society ( within which I will include much of what I mean by a specific urban culture ) and state forms and processes , in a context of ‘ disorganized capitalism ’ .
11 Found local Handbook of Voluntary Organizations and Community Groups to which I will send begging letters .
12 The local authority , the Croydon London Borough Council , had applied to the justices in circumstances to which I will refer for an interim care order .
13 A similar tendency to expand the concept of compulsion is to be discovered in the majority judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in Eadie v. Township of Brantford ( 1967 ) 63 D.L.R. ( 2d ) 561 ( though events of a more dramatic character have since occurred in that jurisdiction , to which I will refer in a moment ) .
14 Armies are not as feared by Western nations as they are by countries in Latin or South American countries ( to which I will refer later ) , in fact in the UK , by an attempt to cut government spending , it was revealed that there is great support for the army .
15 Such doubts as exist stem from the power which curriculum control gives to the curriculum designers ( a topic to which I will return in later chapters ) .
16 Having argued that animals can act intentionally ( to which I will return in the section on autonomy ) , he thinks this to be ‘ possible only for those who are self-conscious ’ ( 1983 : 75 ) .
17 A great deal of ink has been spilled over the nature of indirect duties , to which I will return in the next section .
18 This is a matter to which I will return later .
19 Pop videos themselves are consistently reactionary in their sexual imagery ( and this is an aspect of the cooption of new pop to which I will return ) if only because they draw on visual conventions of masculinity and femininity ( taken from cinema history and television commercials ) that are much more coherent than pop 's adolescent ambiguities .
20 While such phrases do not do justice to its many insights — to which I will return in Chapter 8 — there are nevertheless some serious weaknesses in the approach .
21 Again , with one exception to which I will come in a moment , all the main rates of income support and the related applicable amounts for housing benefit and community charge benefit , together with the credits in family credit , will rise by the full 7 per cent .
22 It is the marker of ‘ force ’ and hence continues to sustain the continuing paradox of ‘ police force — police service ’ which remains unresolved , on which I will say more later in relation to the role of women police officers .
23 ‘ Accordingly , ’ said Miller , ‘ I propose to hold a press conference this afternoon at which I 'll reveal we 're dealing with a kidnap as well as a murder . ’
24 There is the age at which I will grow into my own maturation , and there is the age at which my hair has started to turn grey .
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