Example sentences of "[prep] which it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The third National Government followed upon the resignation of the Liberal ministers and of the free trader , Snowden , in September 1932 , after which it became little more than a Conservative government , with the adhesion of a few ex-Labour and Liberal politicians , all owing their seats to an electoral pact with the Conservatives .
2 There was an awkward pause during which it became clear that this hint was going to be ignored like all previous ones and then the Guider realised that the pause was going to continue .
3 It is a strong , resilient , twisted rope to which the baby is attached in the womb , and through which it receives all nourishment until birth , when the cord is severed .
4 Euripides ' importance for New Comic poets like Menander ( 342–293 ) and Philemon ( 368–267 ) lay , above all , in his introduction of mundane naturalism , through which it became possible , for the first time , to stage the mediocrity of ordinary life : " Euripides brought the spectator on stage . "
5 It is , also , an agent for Cory Brothers ( part of the Powell Duffeyrn Group ) and Singapore 's National , Neptune Orient Line for which it offers dedicated Far Eastern container services .
6 Sumitomo Bank has stuck with NCR equipment for every generation of its banking systems since the implementation of the First Online system in the 1970s , and the defeat means that NCR now loses its last big customer account and one for which it maintained considerable investment in mainframes — even developing the 9800XL series , last of its mainframes — especially for Sumitomo .
7 The EC on Oct. 22 called on Milosevic to use his influence to end ethnic cleansing in Bosnia , for which it held Bosnian Serbs chiefly responsible , and warned that military measures could be taken if the UN flight ban over Bosnia was breached .
8 And , of course , the state is linked directly to the sphere of production , for which it performs necessary functions , being also an arena within which the class-struggles are fought out .
9 ( 5 ) The fraud or dishonesty of the vendor In addition to fraud and dishonesty insurers will specifically exclude liability for the wilful failure by the vendor to disclose matters of which it had actual knowledge .
10 The well-known deconstruction carried out in ‘ Structure , Sign , and Play ’ shows how the constitution of anthropological knowledge , though often paraded as scientific and objective , is nevertheless governed by a problematic of which it remains unaware : the philosophical category of the centre — which Derrida then proceeds to articulate with the problem of Eurocentrism .
11 This curious conclusion set at nought the work on distribution done by Brown , Humboldt , Darwin and Wallace , and by the botanists Joseph Hooker of Kew and Asa Gray of Harvard ; they had found all sorts of curious patterns , of which it seemed possible to make sense in terms of migrations , barriers and ice ages .
12 In the course of the day the UK government announces increases in base rate from 10 to 12 , and then to 15 per cent effective Sept. 17 , in unsuccessful efforts to defend the value of sterling , then withdraws sterling from the ERM , allowing its value to " float " ( as a result of which it falls some 10 per cent against the deutschmark to below DM2.52 by the end of September ) , and cuts base rate to 12 per cent .
13 BA has invested £20m of its own money in the venture , of which it owns 31 p.c. , but says that further finance will come from Air Russia 's own resources , such as state loans and leasing .
14 Perhaps by the very end of his life , in 1880 , he had come to believe that a people , a nation , does not create itself according to its own best ideas , but is shaped by other forces , of which it has little knowledge .
15 Adding together the numbers of self-employed , family workers and labour in firms of less than 30 employees in non-agricultural work for 1984 gives a total of about 25 million people , of which it appears that one-third ( 8.2 million ) work in units of less than five people ( FTW 1/2/86 ) .
16 A large bustard whose backward-pointing crest gives it an outline more like the African Kori Bustard A. kon than the Great Bustard , like which it shows white on the wings in flight .
17 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
18 Characteristically it becomes difficult , but also necessary , in just this market phase , to distinguish this form of production from others with which it had analogous economic relations .
19 The differences between quotation and paraphrase can be seen in the following contrasting examples : Quotation " One of the most striking things about detective fiction " , Patricia Craig argues in her critical introduction to English detective stories , " is the ease with which it accommodates all kinds of topical ideologies . "
20 Unlike most dinosaurs it had sharp teeth with which it ate smaller creatures .
21 Britain had its supporters outside the Six , notably the Nordic states with which it held regular meetings within Uniscan to discuss and coordinate views on European developments and their possible implications .
22 The work in the Netherlands is therefore considered here with that of the Germanic Baltic group with which it has much in common .
23 The late Sir Peter Scott was the founder , in 1961 ( WWF is the only one of the Big Three which has British origins ) , and international headquarters are in Gland , Switzerland , in the same building as the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN ) , with which it has close relations ( and which , in turn , is close to UNEP ) .
24 It is not clear whether the date of composition of The Epistle of Mixed Life precedes or follows Scale 1 with which it has close affinities .
25 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
26 Current alliances include the agreement under which it manufactures some microprocessors under licence from Intel Corp , its joint venture with Siemens AG and Toshiba Corp on memory chips , and the PowerPC alliance with Motorola Inc , and its less well-defined agreements with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV .
27 Those housewives who ‘ do n't mind ’ ironing make it clear that they dislike the task itself , yet have found conditions under which it becomes bearable .
28 He surmised that every bird possesses a form of template upon which it tries different notes until it finds the correct ones .
29 To me the Navy has always been unrivalled for the style in which it clothes ceremonial occasions , and these dinners , from the entry of the President 's party heralded by nautical airs from the marine band , to the ritual procession of the baron of beef through to the ( sometimes seated ) loyal toast , are no exception .
30 I would not wish the Council to find itself in a position in which it felt obliged to oppose the franchising arrangements as a result of your published views as to future developments which might emerge from the franchising scheme . ’
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