Example sentences of "[prep] be seen in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such arrangements have to be seen in a wider context .
2 As the martyr is , literally , detached from the place of his martyrdom and made present wherever his relics have become the centre of a cult , so relics begin to be seen in a new way .
3 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
4 It is now to be seen in a deserted spot , not actually by the river but not far from it , on high ground by a little-used minor road .
5 An example of this is to be seen in a developing educational programme .
6 She did intend to join a nearby sports club , where she could swim regularly , as soon as she was slim , but meanwhile shyly admitted to feeling too embarrassed to be seen in a swimsuit .
7 It is often patients with low priority problems that wait , sometimes for hours , to be seen in a busy A&E department .
8 Scientists then often speak of ‘ the scales falling from the eyes ’ or of the ‘ lightning flash ’ that ‘ inundates ’ a previously obscure puzzle , enabling its components to be seen in a new way that for the first time permits its solution .
9 J. C. Mitchell , Secretary to the Board , was appointed liquidator of the UndergrounD Group and there were early reports of ex-Croydon and Walthamstow tramcars to be seen in a red livery similar to that of the L.C.C .
10 Law and the legal system thus have to be seen in a differentiated way , no longer consistently structured by one uniform language and one common principle ( such as a hierarchy of values or a grundnorm ) , but as being to some extent split into a plurality of legal arenas ( Lowi , 1972 ) .
11 So Heineken 's recent big-money renewal of their sponsorship of the Heineken National League has to be seen in a wider context than the clubs who belong to the league .
12 This is usually identified with Hollows Tower , still to be seen in a fine state of repair beside the A7 near Canonbie , though it was in a poor state after Lord Dacre had ridden in from England to burn it .
13 This increase , however , needs to be seen in a longer time-scale .
14 A number of very different trends were to be seen in a sample of frequencies on bus routes , ranging from consistent decline over the period since 1939 to slight increase in recent years on a few routes .
15 For this section of the leadership , the Soviet past was to be seen in a much more positive light , while a much greater emphasis was laid upon discipline and central control in political and economic affairs .
16 If you would like to be seen in a classic yacht , then contact Lake Marine , who operate their unique fleet of wooden Redwing racing keelboats from Poole .
17 There is also evidence that adults who wish to be seen in a good light by others tend to make internal attributions , and vice versa they present external explanations for negative outcomes .
18 There is , first , the relationship between rich and poor nations , which may be conceived in terms of neo-imperialism and dependency ( but in that case imperialism has to be seen in a wider perspective than that which treats it exclusively as a stage in the development of capitalism , important though this latter process is ) , or in terms of the current preoccupation with a ‘ North-South dialogue ’ , which is today more a confrontation than a dialogue .
19 She was now to be seen in a small cubby-hole next to Mr Malik 's office , typing furiously , or on the phone to an organization called the Islamic World Unity Fund , which was said to be about to offer Mr Malik and Mr Shah a large sum in US dollars .
20 Human rights issues , as illustrated by AIDS , have to be seen in a wider context and , conversely , one can not contemplate the totality of public health without the human rights component .
21 It may be that Chilperic 's death came to be seen in a new light after the Burgundian wars of the 520s and 530s .
22 Hovering in the background to it all was the commanding officer ( played by Eric Barker , also to be seen in a few of the other early ‘ Carry On ’ films ) and his instruction that was so familiar to every ‘ sprog ’ who ever put on a uniform , ‘ Carry on Sergeant ’ .
23 The immense amount of detailed experimental and theoretical work done on the equations often allows these new developments to be seen in a fuller context than is possible with newer and less well understood systems .
24 Drama school productions are staged with an awareness of the kind of demands the profession will make , and students are naturally anxious to be seen in the final production by people who 're likely to offer them work .
25 The physical mark of this is to be seen in the indentation between the upper lip and the nose .
26 There was very little of his own faith to be seen in the city , even if he had wished to become involved .
27 How much better it would be for ministers to be seen in the constituencies giving us the ammunition we need to fight on the doorsteps . ’
28 He said it had to be seen in the context of the UK 's £25billion a year deficit on trade in manufactured goods , a 22 per cent fall in enrolment for engineering courses since 1985 and the forecast decrease in the number of 16- to 24-year-olds by the mid-1990's .
29 He said it had to be seen in the context of the UK 's £25billion a year deficit on trade in manufactured goods , a 22 per cent fall in enrolment for engineering courses since 1985 and the forecast decrease in the number of 16- to 24-year-olds by the mid-1990's .
30 Those general truths need to be seen in the context of this particular bid .
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