Example sentences of "[prep] be make from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other authors have claimed that visual laterality effects occur when judgements have to be made from memory , that is , beyond the coding stage ( Hardyck , Tzeng and " Wang , 1977 ; 1978 ; Kirsner , 1980 ; Kirsner and Brown , 1981 . )
2 Transactions in the discount market are normally very large , enabling profits to be made from deals involving differentials in discount rates of small fractions of 1 per cent .
3 Raimat Chardonnay Brut £8.09 The colour of old gold and straw , this wine is the first Cava to be made from Chardonnay grapes .
4 What objects do you know which are now made of plastic but which used to be made from wood or steel ?
5 These systems have much to commend them when ordering has to be made from multiple or remote sites .
6 Motorola Inc president George Fisher met with Brazil 's President Itamar Franco to discuss enlarging the nation 's mobile cellular telephone network , Agencia Brasil reports : the state news agency said that Fisher proposed installation of a satellite network that would enable international calls to be made from Brazil without going through the state telephone company Embratel ; no price or date for starting the project was mentioned .
7 To make it look light and fresh , the swiss roll has to be made from scratch in Alan 's well equipped kitchen .
8 At the end of the term and the completion of the topic , staff agreed that satisfactory progress seemed to be made from year group to year group in terms of the development of writing skills .
9 I had the impression that unless you were famous there was little money to be made from art .
10 In those days , of course , there was n't much money at all to be made from athletics .
11 There is a great deal of money to be made from income generated by composers ' royalties and fees as well as the earnings from performing and recording .
12 Even when the recession hit there was money to be made from liquidations and restructurings. is Britain 's largest law firm and occupies a plush new building in the city .
13 Many more life-saving drugs are waiting to be made from rainforest species .
14 Well , in the old days , those used to be made from twigs , and even longer ago people used to use brooms like that to sweep the streets and even to sweep their houses .
15 Richard 's fellow colonists , well aware of the enormous profits to be made from timber , did as he had done .
16 There is money to be made from ivory worth an average family 's income for years at the risk of six months in gaol at no expense to you .
17 The rynd and the spindle soon came to be made from iron to be more durable , and the handle was developed to become a lever for turning the runner stone by animal power .
18 Thought he 'd make a killing , you see ; a lot of money to be made from property development . ’
19 From my experience , a large proportion of ( necessary ) calls to these services tend to be made from payphones in remote locations , often involving a considerable detour from one 's route .
20 In nineteen eighty six treat people as if their labour is worth nothing you know those men have given their lives to the quarry industry and there 's no doubt that there is money to be made from slate at the moment and people are people that have the money to invest are making a lot of money okay they 're inves they 're risking the money but er people are risking their lives as well and giving their lives .
21 As yet there is no other body to undertake this task , and even tentative moves to remove the problem from the cell block and into the detoxification centre foundered in the entrepreneurial 1980s ; for there is little immediate profit to be made from reclamation of this kind of scrap material ( although the long-term value of a humanitarian return might be thought to be well worth pursuing in a civilized society ! ) .
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