Example sentences of "[prep] be make by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However section 207 of the Companies Act 1989 enables such changes to be made by regulations .
2 It continued : ‘ All statements about the future running of the club are to be made by chairman , Ray Crofts , only .
3 the contribution to be made by OUP
4 There was to be an import ban on construction materials for which local substitutes were available , and cuts in subsidies to coffee producers and exporters were to be made by April .
5 ‘ In his letter of July 6 following the meeting , the BAe chairman , Professor Roland Smith , called for the removal of the ring fence around Rover capital allowances , capital losses , and trading losses , and asked the DTI to intervene with the Inland Revenue for ‘ written rulings in advance to certain proposals to be made by BAe with a view to optimising the tax benefits ’ , ’ Mr Brown said .
6 This allows for the entries to be made by machine accounting whereby several operations can be carried out at the same time .
7 Here the discussion paper proposed a very strict rule : the assessment was to be made by reference to the contractual maturity of the debt , and no consideration was to be given to facilities which would permit it to be re-financed .
8 It would seem to follow that awards in England and Wales have been and are to be made by reference to social , economic and industrial conditions there .
9 The perambulations were to be made by juries of twelve law-worthy men in each county , in the presence of the commissioners and the foresters and verderers .
10 It has often been said that because of the restrictions on discovery , interrogatories and cross-examination under Ord. 53 , the AJR is not a suitable vehicle for resolving factual disputes , and this provides a justification for not requiring collateral attacks to be made by way of an AJR .
11 Whether payments are to be made by way of annuity or by lump sum they will be a drain on the continuing practice if no or inadequate provision is made in advance .
12 Even that our managers have got to be made by way of
13 It er , first of all I can confirm that an announcement is being made today er secondly secondly secondly I can confirm that it is not usual for such announcements to be made by way of oral statement .
14 Oddly though , mine appears to be made by Fairy rather than Microsoft …
15 As it takes approximately three or four days to clear a personal cheque , more hotels are adopting the policy of only accepting personal cheques for payments in advance , or with seven day 's notice if payment of the bill is to be made by cheque .
16 Or alternatively , you can make your own arrangements for payments to be made by cheque or cash .
17 In 1992 I was commissioned to design a plate for the Royal Academy to be made by Masons in Stoke-on-Trent , but possibly the most exciting commission is my poster for London Underground Windy Day , Brick Lane .
18 Sometimes materials are just not available or too expensive to afford , but often curriculum panels , drawing on experiences from college demonstration schools and materially rich urban contexts , place far too great reliance on the collection and use of ‘ waste ’ materials or require large amounts of apparatus to be made by teachers .
19 The couple have no car , so the trip across town has to be made by bicycle or on foot .
20 Management buy-outs in particular may lead to increases in efficiency by reducing the layers of administration and enabling key decisions to be made by managers with industry-specific experience .
21 Unless a deliberate attempt is to be made by society , acting through the agency of the law , to equate the sphere of crime with that of sin , there must remain a realm , a sphere of private morality and immorality which is , in brief and crude terms , not the law 's business .
22 Benefit cuts are expected to be a critical part of the autumn public spending statement to be made by Chancellor Norman Lamont next week .
23 These figures do not allow any sum for interest and therefore it may be that calculations will have to be made by council to include that figure or alternatively I am informed that both parties wish to consider the possibility of the incorporation of this judgement into a structured settlement .
24 About 18 months ago , she became aware of the successful development of sales of the product in Germany and Sweden and began her project which now hinges on a decision to be made by Perth and Kinross District council today .
25 Richard Ledes was considered to be in a position of trust and was recommended as a fit person to be consulted in any investigation to be made by Scrope .
26 The basic premise of the show is that music programming , by and large , patronizes the audience and seems to be made by people who stopped actually being interested in music , especially new and underground forms , long ago — TV people .
27 Direct incorporation of the Convention would reduce the number of cases which have to be taken to Strasbourg , improve access to justice by making it quicker and less costly to bring claims , and enable more ready use of the safeguards in the Convention to be made by people in this country .
28 A contribution of £1,000 is to be made by Cleveland County Council to British Rail towards publicity costs for the Esk Valley Line .
29 Who would have thought , with all this talk of millions to be made by gene juggling , that just a few years ago genetic engineering was considered to be so dangerous that one small accident could unleash upon the world a virulent plague that would make the black death look like an outbreak of summer flu ?
30 If this is so , it is not surprising that so many complaints continue to be made by patients and relatives about poor communication .
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