Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There has also been a certain amount of experimental work by linguists and psychologists which supports the hypothesis that for current speakers of English , generic masculines are interpreted as masculine rather than generic — though it has to be said the results of this work are not entirely clear-cut , except perhaps in the case of generic man .
2 Thus Adalbert 's monastic background , so far in geographical distance from the Slav missions ( but not on that account far from people who needed to be taught the basics of Christianity ) , shows pastoral awareness .
3 They were very very reliable because erm , the motive power was in a motor , electric motor , not a lot of parts to go wrong but er once you started the motor buses they had to send people away to be taught the mechanics of motor buses , so you had the old die-hards of the fetters , trolley buses , who never did take to motor buses and course the younger ones came into their own then , who were able to adapt to the modern motor bus .
4 They need to be taught the consequences of their behaviour and that it is not acceptable .
5 Some people came to us for a week , some for a month and a few wanted to be taught the essentials of the job in two or three days .
6 Well it used to be er one road used to be called Meadow Flats , and then you go a little way down another road and it used to be called the bottoms .
7 One used to be called the bottoms and one used to be called the Meadow Flats and yet they both led to the same place .
8 But there it encountered another ruined project , a work to be called The Drunks of which only a tiny fragment survives , and the marriage of these two constitutes the success of Crime and Punishment .
9 One other sideways bound was the creation of what has come to be called the police procedural .
10 ‘ This part of the country ’ , wrote Eliza , ‘ resembles for miles a succession of parks thickly dotted with tall slender trees of the Eucalypti kind and the ground covered with luxuriant verdure where during the past season not a blade of grass was to be seen the bones of many bullocks which died on their way from the upper Hunter to Maitland rill still remain by the roadside a momento [ sic ] of the excessive drought . ’
11 A hard line was to be maintained for violent and sexual offences with provisions for longer sentences , and Crown Courts were to be given the powers to impose heavier sentences than the individual offence justified , to persistent offenders deemed to be a public risk .
12 An expert appointed to resolve all disputes under a construction contract will need to be given the powers of an arbitrator to review certificates issued under the contract , because an expert would not have those powers any more than the court does , unless the parties agree : Northern Regional Health Authority v Derek Crouch Construction Co Ltd [ 1984 ] 1 QB 644 , and 8.4.3 .
13 Where an expert is resolving disputes under a construction contract he will need to be given the powers of an arbitrator to review certificates issued under the contract by the architect or engineer .
14 In a foreword Coun Mike Carr , the council leader , calls for local government to be given the powers to respond to the problems of the communities they serve .
15 Er suggested that the officers have a joint meeting and get together and actually ask them what transport to be given the figures er for night flights so that they could and so on , and I know by the recent customer complaints and I believe members attended the meeting of those four Councils so that I think that discuss that .
16 Half a million pounds , if we were to be given the resources , would enable us , debt charge wise , to build two hundred and fifty family houses .
17 Any limited success our user network has had has needed to be given the resources to organise independently , and the commitment of senior management to support user involvement .
18 He had expected to be given the rooms furnished by the College .
19 You can not expect to be asked the questions exactly as they appear here and you will be badly thrown if you have programmed yourself with exact responses to very particular questions which do not crop up in the way you had anticipated .
20 Young people are keen to be granted the privileges of being adult , while parents major on the responsibilities involved .
21 However , the report claimed that if the steady rise in public indebtedness were to be halted the regions , which controlled 40 per cent of all public spending , had for several years to join the central government in observing strict fiscal discipline .
22 The conduct must take place within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused the sensations in question ; does this mean that the conduct must actually be seen or heard by the person whom it is intended to offend ?
23 As a result the fax protocol , which is rather like a file transfer protocol , such as ZMODEM , has to be implemented the comms software driving the modem .
24 It assumes that he has a right to be paid the fees , charges , and disbursements , but provides that he shall not bring an action to enforce that right until certain preliminary requirements have been satisfied .
25 But Scotland , with an economic base now concentrated on light rather than heavy industry , and services and decision-making centres far away from Edinburgh and Glasgow , can not hope to be spared the effects of recession .
26 Her own childhood had been lived on the margins : she had wanted theirs to be calm , to be spared the indignities of fighting unnecessary territorial and social wars .
27 They hoped to be spared the details .
28 If a lower rate were to be introduced the museums would stand to benefit by around DFl.3 million ( £1 million ; $2 million ) per year .
29 In this , I think , is to be found the origins of and impetus behind the arrangement of sites , the study of which has gone under the name of astro-archaeology , or , more recently , archaeo-astronomy .
30 These included the great British trading companies in West Africa , in which are to be found the origins of Unilever , the North American fruit companies in Central America , whose activities gave rise to the expression ‘ banana republic ’ , and the East India Company which was to provide the basis for British colonial administration in India .
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