Example sentences of "[prep] it [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The history of attempts to control and regulate corporate crimes does not give much cause for optimism , and indeed the idea of it reduces radicals to knowing laughter .
2 This growth has accelerated in recent years , much of it taking place in the 1970s and it has been concentrated more in the higher levels of the education system .
3 The sound of it brought Silas into the shearers ' quarters .
4 The department co-operates with Oxford Brookes University in teaching a new Master 's course in Historic Conservation ; the course is modular in form , and part of it entitles students to a certificate awarded by the department .
5 That was all he could say for quite a time ; but when he had recovered his confidence he said a lot more , all of it expressing gratitude to Sheila for her quick thinking and great pluck and shame for his own and Chuck 's roughness with her earlier .
6 There was a terrible resignation about it and a patience , and the pity of it slammed Taliesin at the base of his throat .
7 She thirsted for it , imagining the cool wind of it cascading life into her lungs .
8 The moon , the mountains , the man — himself — standing there in the darkness : none of it made sense to him .
9 Before making such an order , the Inland Revenue must be given notice of the application of not less than twenty-eight days and if the Inland Revenue object , it must submit a written statement of the grounds and ensure that an officer of it attends court on the hearing of the application ( r 6.194 ) .
10 The diversity of material was due to the fact that much of it came courtesy of local mill-owners .
11 In 1898 the Great Western Railway conveyed 5,978 tons of broccoli from Cornwall , much of it going north via Didcot , Birmingham , and Crewe .
12 Most of it happened thanks to tireless negotiations with opera houses , TV crews and recording companies in the west , but it has not so far turned out to be anything like a pact with the devil .
13 The CAB has developed considerable skill in training , as this chapter has demonstrated , and much of it has relevance outside the CAB as well as inside .
14 Bacon , as an advocate of really long-term investment , said the concentration on tobacco was ‘ to the untimely prejudice of the main business ’ , though it is not easy to see what he thought the main business of a plantation ought to be — his essay was full of sensible advice , much of it showing signs of the influence of the Virginia experience , but he never explained why people should want to support this sort of enterprise , unless it was to be part of a programme for sending people abroad to reduce overpopulation .
15 Unfortunately Mrs Buckley could n't sing a note in tune ; her throat sounded like it had gravel down it .
16 With it came strings of skin , leaving Zulei 's skull pitted with the strip-mines of her disease .
17 The EOC reports that it was apparent that the Society 's mobility requirement and a candidate 's ability to comply with it gave rise to both direct and indirect discrimination .
18 Fortunately , the German spirit that found expression in the Reformation , and with it gave rise to the first German music , has never yet fully lost itself in the dominant Alexandrianism .
19 And with it comes judgement for the attitude which lay behind the outcry .
20 With it comes registration under ISO9001 , BS5750 part one and EN29001 quality assurance schemes .
21 The most frequently quoted definition of non-natural user is that given by the Judicial Committee in Rickards v. Lothian , ‘ It must be some special use bringing with it increased danger to others and must not merely be the ordinary use of the land or such a use as is proper for the general benefit of the community . ’
22 Once you decide to get rid of a Windows application , it 's vital to make copies of any important data you 've created with it to make copies of any important data you 've created with it before embarking on a ‘ slash and burn ’ policy .
23 You should also work into it check lists for each month with every detail you can think of , and have an arrangement for assessing the event after it has happened .
24 Joe Kennedy , a Democratic member of the House , is crafting a resolution that would commit America to exhaust sanctions before it used force in the Gulf — and suggests that sanctions should run for at least six months from the passing of the resolution .
25 The company was engaged in a delicate balancing act ; it could not afford first-rate machinery or transport until it had expanded , but it could not expand ( as a wholesaler at least ) until it improved quality through more sophisticated machinery .
26 Rather , it invents a sort of simplified version of the training set : When the net has finished learning , the nodes in it form clusters of just a few points which each reflect much larger clusters in the training set .
27 Bull said it still continues to be part of ACE Consortium , but only as far as desktop Intel-based systems are concerned : it refused to be drawn over the question of whether its relationship with IBM would result in it favouring OS/2 over Windows 3 , saying only that ‘ Windows is what our customers are buying today ’ .
28 potato in it do potato on the side
29 Ray Floyd , having dumped his ball in it to help Faldo to the second of his titles , would not deem it so .
30 The world and everything in it shows signs of order and pattern , but such signs are inexplicable without the mind of a Planner .
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