Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun pl] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In one case a complaint was made on behalf of a Residents Association to the Parliamentary Commissioner alleging maladministration by the Department of Environment and the Health and Safety Executive at an inquiry into two appeals against the refusal of a Metropolitan Borough Council to give planning permission for the erection of a waste material incineration plant and an energy recovery plant .
2 Your introduction of a letters page to the match programme should be congratulated .
3 Joe was taken in the back of a police van to the Divisional Headquarters on Vine Street .
4 London-based Chernikeeff Networks Ltd is now offering Japan Computer Corp 's range of MIPS R3000 RISC-based colour X-terminals in the UK as the SuperXR series : prices go from £4,500 for a 17″ model to £6,000 for the 20″ version .
5 The potential for a KBS approach to complex avionic component fault diagnostics via the use of limited but similar reasoning approaches to those adopted by experienced service engineers has great potential in the provision of intelligent support to equipment diagnostics .
6 Lotus Development Corp and the Skytel unit of Mobile Telecommunications Technologies Inc plan joint development of technologies and applications to meet the demands of a growing wireless messaging market : first product from the agreement is a wireless messaging gateway for Lotus Notes , which is claimed to be the first US national wireless gateway for workgroup software — combining Notes and a SkyWord alphanumeric receiver , the gateway will create a Notes ‘ thinking mailbox ’ that can forward changes in information from a Notes server to SkyWord receivers , the firms say .
7 But it includes much more … from personal hygiene to library studies … from a Police course to knowing what it 's like being deaf .
8 Ken Shumate ( ASDC , USA ) gave a half-day tutorial on how to convert the functions described in a requirements specification to the objects of an object-oriented design ( including mention of data-flow diagrams and object-oriented design ) .
9 Josef Mauer had been with the Austrian police for eighteen years , the last eleven as a sergeant stationed in Linz , but despite numerous attempts by his superior to change his mind he had never been interested in promotion , preferring the everyday excitement that came with riding the streets in a police car to struggling with a mound of paperwork in some closeted office .
10 From there he 'd been taken in a police van to Whitely by two police officers .
11 ’ ‘ It 's funny to think that only this morning we were trying to persuade poor old Eddy to go off and enjoy himself on a facilities trip to the Persian Gulf …
12 plus a years access to the .
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