Example sentences of "[prep] the same [noun sg] [being] " in BNC.

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1 This has resulted in different messages about the same issue being given to clients of the health services , e.g. ORS : in Kangwane Banstustan they teach mothers to use one litre of water , six teaspoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt to prepare the Oral Rehydration Solution ( ORS ) whilst their neighbours , Gazankulu and Lebowa have different methods .
2 This takes no account of the same man being the subject of multiple presentations nor of those clerks who prospered by indirect royal patronage , pressure on newly elected prelates or on other vulnerable patrons .
3 One can look at other animals — baboons , chimps and so on — and see a lesser form of the same structure being created .
4 Marginal plants should be grouped together like plants in an herbaceous border , several of the same variety being accommodated in a single basket .
5 Is it simply a matter of the same word being used , or is there more to it than that ?
6 Economies of scope are likely to arise in ( i ) railways , between passenger and freight transport using the same lines and ( ii ) electricity generation , between peak and off-peak periods , some of the same equipment being used .
7 But we will encounter , too , the grim reality of the same city being an alien and sometimes hostile society with ‘ back ’ as well as ‘ front ’ regions .
8 Whilst it is true that disadvantages arise from different aspects of the same dispute being adjudicated upon by different courts , it must be pointed out , on the one hand , that a plaintiff is always entitled to bring his action in its entirety before the courts for the domicile of the defendant and , on the other , that article 22 of the Convention allows the first court seised , in certain circumstances , to hear the case in its entirety provided that there is a connection between the actions brought before the different courts .
9 ILPs in one notable respect , namely it permits the possibility of the same solution being feasible for both branches created at a node .
10 The manager must be able to act decisively by , for example , bringing in more lower paid staff to assist in mundane areas thus increasing productivity when compared with the same work being done at more senior level .
11 It is most often used where a salesperson is faced with the same objection being raised time after time .
12 But equally , the buried incestuous temptation invoked by the seductive mother may result in the same man being profoundly moved and sexually attracted to distressed women for whom he has no emotional responsibility .
13 Data proliferates in the NHS with more and more being collected , but without the same effort being put into asking why it is being collected and what it is to be used for .
14 From one month and four month rates we can derive the three month interest rate which , if prevailing in one month 's time , would lead to the same return being achieved from investing either in a combination of a one month deposit followed by a three month deposit , or in a four month deposit from the outset .
15 The conscientious lay person was simply involved in a two-way process of having his or her conscience informed , while at the same time being protected from making unintended errors of judgement .
16 This would allow the Argentinians to stay well clear of the exclusion zone around the Falklands Islands while at the same time being able to attack ships anywhere inside it .
17 While Marx 's own writing does not relate ideology directly to ‘ false consciousness ’ there is in his use of the term a meaning of distortion and a failure to represent ‘ reality ’ while at the same time being determined by material reality .
18 In these fields , too , we are sometimes able to identify social phenomena such as an increase in population size , which we can use to explain other phenomena , while at the same time being unable to identify any corresponding regularities in the behaviour or attitudes of individual agents .
19 Necessary as legislation was in terms of public safety , for years it was unattractive to Ministers since it required considerable expenditure whilst at the same time being unlikely to attract any votes .
20 With the increase of tension between universal education and differential provision , the special qualities of the new English ( under the hegemony of English literature ) for securing the sense of a common culture while at the same time being suited to differential application across the range of educational sectors , caused the Board to look very kindly on the fledgling discipline and to give a great deal of support to its advancement in schools .
21 His relativity theory was able to account for the phenomena that falsified Newton 's theory , while at the same time being able to match Newton 's theory in those areas where the latter had proved successful .
22 The maddening thing is that once it is realized that the environment is a mutually reactive system , it becomes extremely difficult to isolate and discuss specialized points in a simple way without at the same time being tempted to discuss every interaction and interrelationship which exists in the system .
23 The reason is the enormous pressures that the Government , through the funding councils , are imposing on higher education to take in ever more numbers without at the same time being concerned about quality .
24 The forests are at the same time being stripped of valuable and rare animals .
25 A student nowadays has to graft for three years on a pittance of a grant , begging the government for a loan and at the same time being excluded from any welfare benefits .
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