Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ALTHOUGH John Kirwan might be in a honeymoon mood at the moment after the whole All Black team turned up at his recent marriage in Italy ( see pages 54 and 65 ) , his good humour is unlikely to last too long if the NZRFU meeting on December 12 and 13th decides to take action against him over his public announcement that he would not make himself available for the All Blacks if Auckland coach John Hart is not Grizz Wyllie 's successor as national coach .
2 However , the whole matter was another aspect of one of the storms in a set of teacups that accompanied the whole unhappy Profumo matter and has continued to do so for the many years since it was first raised .
3 I ca n't remember now whether in fact we were allowed any at all while we were in the Waaf , but I know that for the few years after I became a civilian again and clothes rationing still went on , the ration allocation was so small that the prospect of buying , for instance , a new winter coat was exceedingly small for most women , especially those with children , whose needs had to come first .
4 The first is that the donations that would be made would go to charitable social service agencies providing for the same groups as statutory agencies .
5 Indeed , the first moves in this direction occurred in 1986 of course , when as Noble Lords will recall the Metropolitan counties or at least their county councils were abolished and police authorities were created for the same areas as freestanding corporate bodies .
6 Few there are who would speak in favour of cruelty to animals , as thus understood , and I take it that , whatever else our differences might be , at least we all agree that cruelty to other animals is morally vile , and morally vile for the same reasons as cruelty to human children , for example .
7 They demanded bracket construction for the overhead wires , but this was turned down for the same reasons as those in Mitcham .
8 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
9 But to the EEC this looked too much like the British proposals of the late 1950s , and it declined the overtures from EFTA for the same reasons as in the past .
10 There is , needless to say , no suggestion that the Bank of England are in contempt , and , for the same reasons as have led me to conclude that the injunction is overridden , I should have had no hesitation in varying the injunction if it had been necessary to do so .
11 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
12 Gould was immediately attracted to the art of lithography for the same reasons as Lear — the relative inexpensiveness of production and the lack of training required — but he also saw great potential for Lear 's large-size format and colourful plates , which could , Gould thought , if properly promoted and well managed , prove extremely lucrative .
13 Q9 The answer is Yes for the same reasons as Q7 .
14 All involved will need these interfaces for the same reasons as the political and business managers whose decisions are being studied .
15 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
16 Data are shown for the same mice as in a .
17 At least three months post treatment endoscopy was performed and biopsies were obtained for the same procedures as above .
18 pending the receipt of prompt instructions from the bank/organisation keep its interest in the policy in force up to the full sum insured and for the same risks as were covered when the bank's/organisation 's interest was notified ( subject to the insurance not having been replaced elsewhere with the consent of consent of the bank/organisation ) .
19 As Dick comes to know Count Jasper he no longer sees him as a villain and realises that this inscrutable man is in his own way working for the same ends as the conspirators .
20 During the few days before Blundy came across to Belfast , Paisley contacted a legal friend who in turn suggested to Vincent Browne of the Sunday Independent , a Dublin newspaper , that he examine the Black case .
21 They come across as the same songs although they do n't sound as huge and magnificent and lush as they do on the record .
22 That 's roughly about the same hours as the government 's just decided to spend on sending the Parent 's Charter to every household in Britain , I think that 's gon na cost over two million as well .
23 Certain LEAs do indeed seem to have reduced their overall awards budgets this year , but most are continuing to grant awards at about the same levels as in previous years .
24 The best way to prepare for this is to work through the same processes as historians working with a wide range of documents .
25 ’ The problem is everyone 's after the same bands as us , ’ an Amnesty spokesperson said sheepishly .
26 You know , that 's one of the many differences since Gill and I have been together : I start seeing things I never would have noticed before .
27 ONE OF THE few quotable quotes attributed to Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssoen Quisling , uttered with contempt on one of the many occasions when his Norwegian countrymen rejected him , is : ‘ Ibsen knew his people . ’
28 That was one of the many occasions when we were sent for after supper and beaten by the Library .
29 This can present a difficult timing problem , because it is often not sufficiently appreciated that because of the many requirements as to these documents it may be necessary to have two or three drafts before lodging the plans .
30 It seemed to be in permanent decline , possibly for some of the same reasons as the Liberals after 1918 .
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