Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun prp] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That was attached to for the July Course the Jockey Club runs a long way right near round on to the Swaffham Road , yeah see runs right up , right up to the Swaffham Road , you see .
2 If , however , concern is more narrowly focused only on the effects of the CU then the consequences for the balance of trade is the major concern .
3 The ‘ epidemic delusion ’ of Pantisocratic brotherhood had perhaps never been more powerful than at that moment , life on the banks of the Susquehannah never a more siren prospect , and a conversation which began by Coleridge asking Sarah if she would write to him when he returned to Cambridge led quickly to a proposal of marriage , which she accepted .
4 In 1980 , Lord Denning , the then Master of the Rolls perhaps the second most powerful judicial position — delivered the Richard Dimbleby lecture .
5 It is moored here in the middle of the Thames about a hundred yards inside the Barrier .
6 When you consider that the event is only played on this side of the Atlantic once every four years I do n't think that the decision-makers at the BBC did the event justice , particularly with all the hype which went before it .
7 The Mississippi opens onto the Gulf only a few miles away .
8 From the Pyrenees northwards the entire countryside is irrigated by the River Garonne and other streams ; indeed it is from these life-giving waters [ aquae ] that the province takes its name .
9 We get some disks from the States once a month , that are in WordPerfect
10 ‘ But I got a day in The Chokey just the same . ’
11 In the USA alone the output of doctoral theses on Russian subjects increased from a grand total of 45 before 1950 to four times that number in the decade from 1965 to 1975 .
12 In the USA twice the drift is the recommended amount , therefore decide for yourself .
13 Another mechanism regulating the industrial post-war boom was the banking system ( in West Germany , for example ) , although in the UK neither the banks nor the financial markets of the Stock Exchange played that role .
14 Plastic card fraud is estimated to have cost £165.6m ( see ACCOUNTANCY , June , p 100 ) according to the Association for Payment Clearing Services , and in the UK alone the cost of common agricultural policy frauds runs into hundreds of millions .
15 In the UK alone the 2.5 million customers of Barclays Bank complete some ten million electronic transactions a month[1] .
16 In the UK much the same pattern is found with a very high significance ( p < 0·0001 ) attaching to flexibility of operation .
17 Writers of computer applications software were quick to realise the mass market potential of business software and in the UK especially a wealth of talent exists for producing low-cost packaged software for an ever-increasing range of applications .
18 In the UK only a handful of county emergency planning departments ( Cumbria , for instance ) have built up resource databases in digital form and this needs to be promoted .
19 So far in the UK only a low fat spread and a range of yogurts have been launched , both containing the milk whey protein form of Simplesse .
20 There was in the UK only a moderate amount of vocational training and relatively few people with formal technical qualifications .
21 It is high summer , although in the UK only the temperature of the rain would confirm summer rather than autumn to the blindfolded visitor .
22 This proposed draft broadens considerably the scope of what are the Article 3(5) areas of the LFA — in the UK only the Isles of Scilly have been so designated .
23 Well , I see her in the Naafi quite a lot .
24 At the time of writing this column , we have been told that there are in the Gulf both the largest and the second largest oil slicks in the history of the world .
25 It accelerated more than anticipated with the result that the capsule landed in the Atlantic over a hundred miles away from the target area .
26 Nizan sided unequivocally with Stalin , noting : " In the USSR only the myths of freedom are dying out , but true freedom has come into being . "
27 In the Commons today The health Secretary Virginia Bottomley announced a shake up in the way health care is managed .
28 She and her family had been in the States over a year now , and had moved from Boston to New York .
29 Also unresolved was the level of Japanese car exports to the EC once the single internal market was introduced after Dec. 31 , 1992 .
30 The Dalek ship is programmed to return to Kembel in spite of all their efforts to divert it , and it falls to Steven to hand over the fake core to the Daleks once the Doctor and Sara are aboard the TARDIS .
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