Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] place is " in BNC.

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1 Information about the actual place is sparse , but an Orangutan Foundation representative told BBC WILDLIFE that there are no facilities and no expertise there to care for the orangs , and that the surrounding primary forest has been destroyed by fire and so is unsuitable as a release area .
2 About the only place is the lavatory and in the lavatory you cry alone .
3 Education ha ooh I never know what the address of the stupid place is !
4 The character of the whole place is best assessed by walking down from the castle rather than climbing east to west .
5 One of the worst places is Bleak House at Styal , the punishment block .
6 Learning to pass urine in the correct place is the next stage of awareness and learning .
7 — FAVOURITE toy in the entire place is a juke box style CD player .
8 A general problem that might be explored in the other place is how , if there is to be such a separation , we can ensure that fruitful , easy relationships continue to exist .
9 To a certain extent these differences are common to all predators , and so may be ignored , because the reason for attempting the analysis of predator assemblages in the first place is to determine differences between them .
10 Good professional advisers will remind their clients that one of the usual reasons people want money in the first place is to gain the freedom to live where they like .
11 Good advisers will remind clients that one of the reasons people want money in the first place is to gain the freedom to live where they like
12 The fact that you were weak enough to choose them in the first place is another thing altogether , ’ she finished triumphantly .
13 Luckily this has n't hurt my fish , but the reason for the purchase in the first place is that I plan to set up a marine tank in the near future and I wanted to check my local tapwater .
14 A key concern that runs through all these debates and to some extent actually inspired them in the first place is whether one can draw clear boundaries between the social classes .
15 And also actually getting them there , themselves there in the first place is very difficult .
16 Products which do not meet consumer desires will fail the market test , but whether products come onto the market in the first place is a matter entirely in the hands of business .
17 But what 's irritated the muscle in the first place is Your guess is as good as mine , cos it all works perfectly .
18 Why you ever asked me down in the first place is still a mystery to me .
19 The desperation that drives the rural poor to cities in the first place is not going to be quenched by water-cannon , police batons , or bulldozers crashing through shanty-towns .
20 Whether a requirement to disclose an ensuing report prepared for the defendant would be upheld by the court as a valid condition for granting an examination in the first place is not clear from McGinley v Burke [ 1973 ] 1 WLR 990 .
21 It 's a lot of money Well this is that Ian was making in the first place is n't it , product actually
22 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
23 in the first place is n't it ?
24 Other bores can also be used but the obvious point must be that a small charge in the right place is a lot better than a heavier charge badly directed .
25 Er this is in the right place is n't it ?
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