Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] day or " in BNC.

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1 So , from any of these you can ‘ have a go ’ at windsurfing for the odd day or two while enjoying the good food and good company of the Houseparty .
2 Another problem is that the tests show practice effects ; that is , for the first day or so of testing , subjects ' performances improve greatly ( and so mask any daily rhythms ) as they are getting used to the tests and are developing their personal ways of tackling them .
3 For the first day or so after the flight you might find it helps to retire to bed one or two hours earlier than your normal time — but no earlier than that !
4 A ‘ lie-in ’ of one to two hours but no more is permissible for the first day or so .
5 But only for the first day or so ; after a week I ca n't wait to return to Koraloona . ’
6 It 's probably best not to feed your fish for the first day or so as they settle in ( though some fish will feed within a few minutes of being stocked ) .
7 And from a bonding point of view , breastfeeding — even for the first day or so — is very valuable . ’
8 If the projected examination schedules are retained in the computer , printouts can be obtained of the examinations scheduled for the next day or week , so rendering unnecessary the use of a manual diary for the control of test schedules .
9 Maxie went on : ‘ Y ’ see , everyone who was at the tea will keep reading the social pages for the next day or two to see that their names are in the report of it ; and , with luck , inside that time , on the same pages there 'll be a report about your Morals Committee — then they 'll know why you had the books , and old Miss Angus will be put in her place .
10 ‘ Well , ’ said Ratagan , ‘ for the next day or two it seems hardly likely that I will be wetting my throat at all , so perhaps it is just as well I indulged in a draught or three last night . ’
11 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
12 They do this by guarding the female , staying close to her during the ten days or so when she is fertile .
13 Although Creggan had progressed northwards well he had slowed during the last day or two as he grew tired easily and rested by feeding off rubbish dumps he had seen where gulls and crows fed .
14 As the next day or two dragged by , fear became Cassie 's almost constant companion .
15 After the first day or so some people are able to operate their own catheters .
16 The work for this would ferment in the house the right kind of feeling , atmosphere , to do away with the nastiness of the last day or so .
17 I do not want , wrote Harsnet , to try and trace this logic or to dwell , in these notes , on the nature and direction of my earlier work , especially , he wrote , as I have always held that any new work worth its salt should be essentially different from all that has gone before , all that others have done and all that you have done , just as the deeds of each new day must never simply repeat those of the previous day or days .
18 If you are given this task it is best to write the minutes up the same day or as soon as possible after the meeting while the discussion is still fresh in your mind .
19 Check report book and diary for any comments about residents from the previous day or night shift .
20 The main requirement , that O&Y first raises enough funds to pay off a separate commercial paper programme , will be met within the next day or two .
21 But in a d within the next day or so , perhaps over the weekend , if you can make your notes about what this was Put it in your own words , what was happening here .
22 ‘ I want to think about it and will probably make my mind up in the next day or two . ’
23 Surely it must be his duty to call in the next day or so on Paul Berowne 's wife and his family .
24 I 'll be looking at your statement later and I 'll probably want to see you in the next day or so . ’
25 She then went into the kitchen and wrote a letter to her mother , which she would have ready for poor Monica Waters , who would certainly be turning up here in the next day or two .
26 Now he 's found , but if there 's a hope of getting to the truth about Sabine Jourdain in the next day or two I could linger . ’
27 I shall try and reach you by telephone in the next day or two , and see what you think of this suggestion .
28 Erm I would , I think it would be very useful if you could make time in the next day or so , you do n't have to spend long on this you know , if you just spent sort of
29 At Eton the different houses and classrooms were spread over a large area , and in the next day or two I had somehow to find out where and when which masters were teaching me what subjects .
30 We made special provision for the homelessness problem last year , and my hon. Friend the Minister with responsibility for housing will be making a further announcement in the next day or two about the homeless figures for which we are making additional provision in the current year .
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