Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] day that " in BNC.

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1 Such was their anxiety during the two days that were left before the exam results were due that Mona and Sheila found it hard to eat or sleep .
2 Researchers working with this substance set about trying to remove a fertilized ovum from a woman during the few days that elapse between actual conception and the implantation of the cell into the uterus — where it must be to develop into an infant — and then replacing it .
3 For what is being suggested is that I knew today and not yesterday , despite the fact that there was no difference between the two days that I could tell at the time .
4 Hubbub , shoving and ten good ideas before breakfast — the character , in short , of the 100 days that have just passed — need to give way to something different in the 1,361 that are left .
5 Sigarup was chosen as one of the village representatives and was paid twenty rupees for each of the five days that he attended the course .
6 It was on the evening of the fourth day that she raised her wings and flexed them in the sea-wind .
7 fertilizer application is becoming a high-tech activity with the introduction of the computerized N-Sure service advising farmers of the exact day that ‘ Nitram ’ should be applied for optimum crop production .
8 If if if if you were wanting to buy erm buy a house if you were moving house , and I did n't realize until the other day that ninety percent of people who buy and sell houses are moving within their own area .
9 She got told off for being late , but it was n't until the next day that Sally 's parents were phoned by the school who had heard about a gang of young people being at the hospital the previous night .
10 The police did n't inform the British Consulate about Jeremy 's disappearance until October 30 , and it was n't until the next day that the consulate contacted Jeremy 's grandmother in England .
11 Ven looked at her levelly for all of one second , then , ‘ If you remember , ’ he answered , ‘ it was not until the next day that I knew that the beautiful green-eyed woman with stunning light gold hair was a ‘ journalist ’ . ’
12 Mike spent more than 30 days waiting on one or other of the platforms , and it was not until the last day that the colobus monkeys came close enough for him to get good shots of them moving through the trees .
13 That did not happen in the better days that have gone .
14 Smaller mammals , such as cats , rabbits and ferrets , have only a short gestation and so can made in the lengthening days that signal the end of winter .
15 In the few days that Blake had known the Doctor , he had never seen him fall asleep .
16 I was always surprised in the old days that Margaret did n't carve ) , and a large potato in its jacket .
17 It was in the later days that you gradually got the the buses were then fitted with these , these safes , they 've got the safes on the ticket machines on the buses , whereby every man 's cash working on that bus that day went into a vault on the bus .
18 Mr Major and Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd will make it clear in the coming days that British forces must have protection — or they will be pulled back to safe areas .
19 It 's only the knowledge that Television , Patti Smith , Blondie and The Ramones used the place as their Bull & Gates in the olden days that flushes you with a tingly sense of excitement when you find out that the toilet is a damp patch on the floor .
20 Neil Kinnock said last night that the rise in interest rates was ‘ a shattering blow both to households right across Britain and also to industries , and it 's even worse because it 's a blow that has been gathering ever since the first day that this Government decided its one and only economic policy would be a reliance on interest rates ’ .
21 Unless we went over the same day that Susan went over .
22 If you can go back to the first day that you arrived
23 In the ensuing days the President 's health was closely monitored and , after a further burst of accelerated and irregular heart activity on May 7 , it was announced on the following day that the source of Bush 's condition was an over-active thyroid gland .
24 Although Great Britain and Ireland was being hammered on this occasion Jane felt so tight and tense at lunchtime on the second day that she asked if she could stand down .
25 She had hated Dierdriu on the terrible day that Dierdriu had told her that she and Fergus were to be parted .
26 He achieved little on the first day that he spent ‘ in the field ’ but on the second day he got into conversation with a group of men about a puppy that one was carrying .
27 However , on the first day that I got to know her I had a feeling that there was something peculiar about the woman .
28 Er , on the first day that I joined this Council which was the first day that you joined er Councillor .
29 Nigeria 's President Babangida on Aug. 16 spoke out against unilateral production increases , while Indonesia had said on the previous day that OPEC should first let the industrialized countries draw down their stockpiles .
30 The judge 's decision was handed down on the same day that Exxon announced that first-quarter profits for 1991 had leapt 75% over the same period last year , to $2.24 billion .
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