Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] first [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first pilot residential course has been planned for the twenty first of February , and it 's going to take place at C O D at Donnington , and subject to that course working out successfully , erm , the employment service in the army will be working on this , the employment service department asked to deliver the army to post six more courses erm , next year .
2 All three are charged with conspiring to supply the controlled drug LSD between the thirty first of December ninteen eighty six and the second of February nineteen ninety one .
3 My father had another , everything was okay if you came out at any time after the thirty first of March , look all I 'm doing now is I was giving back , er taking my position as the company director , getting a salary off the rent in my farms and small holdings and my shares in shipping .
4 What I 'd like you to do is to put the January card in front of the January pages , the February card in front of the February card , pages , the March card in front of the March pages , and then the April to December cards after the thirty first of March .
5 Effective first of the first first of the first ninety five .
6 It is at this time that the trident became a regular part of her iconography , specifically after the great victory of the Earl of Howe at the battle of the Glorious First of June in 1794 ; shortly thereafter , from the early nineteenth century , she is also regularly shown as wearing a helmet .
7 The letter from the plaintiffs solicitors in respect of question of interest one causes , the letter of the twenty ninth of January of nineteen ninety two , asking Mr to confirm , that in addition to the settlement figure of forty two thousand pounds in respect of costs he 'd be paying interest until the date of payment , and er , there was never a mind that erm which find a reply to in , in thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two by Mr , there 's no unqualified agreement in figure of forty two thousand pounds , I do not wish to appear obstructive but your clients must recognise that there are effectively two issues to be resolved , namely the payment of their costs and the division of the parts of other property , surely in all parties interest that none of these are resolved , so it is surely in all party interest that those , those are resolved contemporary and then the letter goes on to dealing with questions of valuation , the bottom paragraph on page thirty two in the bundle says in answer to your letter therefore is that there is no agreement to pay interest , if there is then my client must be credited with interest on his costs , and then it says surgery and finally if ove if overall agreement can not be reached then my client reserves his rights on the issue of costs and I feel that this could lead to an acrimonious and protracted taxation , at the end of the day I suspect it would only be enforced the order for costs about taking a charge in my clients interest in the surgery premises , does that improve your clients position at all , as I say that was the position of the thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two and during the remainder of nineteen ninety two there were then further negotiations , some of them appeared to have been carried out er personally between er doctor and er doctor which seems to of been the partner , dealing with the plaintiffs position and er he says about his non negotiable offer at page forty one in the bundle apparently attached to a letter of the twenty first of December nineteen ninety two and er that had a time limit on , the twenty second of March , there was a reminder on the twenty second of February and erm the plaintiffs solicitors wrote on the fourteenth of April nineteen ninety three raising the question of costs erm say that erm we have now received your clients instructions , that they would be prepared to accept the sum of forty two thousand in respect of their standard basis costs which is inclusive of V A T and disbursements , you remember that our initial schedule of costs which I set part of my letter of the eighth of October total fifty thousand , nine hundred and ninety eight pounds , twenty six pence , in addition to this our client would require interest from the which is as of todays date at seven hundred and sixty days at seventeen pounds , twenty six a day totalling thirteen thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds , sixty , in the circumstances I look forward to receiving your clients cheque for the sum of fifty five thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds and sixty pence within the next seven days and then it says I believe you were certainly agreeing have been very patient concerning your clients costs , but now we wish these to be paid and that was responded to er Mr on the twenty second of April er but why he quite has not been directly involved in the conversation for some time and there was not reasonable expected response for seven days from him , er and then he goes on to say that although he appreciates his firm is still on the record , I shall seek instructions from my client , but it maybe he would wish to give notice of acting in person and indeed that is in fact what happened , what happened in this case .
8 They erm , the Thames investment in Astra is er , another reason for , in fact the principal reason for the increase in associates and investments , working capital is a simple , a seasonal outflow which has been , again by the stronger dollar and the reduction in shareholders funds compared with the thirty first of December er , reflects the eighty six million pound good will write off on Thames .
9 Then , it states that every citizen of the union erm residing in a member state shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the member state in which he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state and that the right shall , not may , but shall be exercised er before the thirty first of December nineteen ninety four by the council acting unanimously on the proposal from the commission and after consulting the European parliament which arrangements may provide the derogations where warranted by problems specific to a member state .
10 I just wish it was all over , like now I had to last out until the thirty first of March , which I did do .
11 The quiet period starts on the eighteenth of May and it goes right through until the twenty first of June .
12 He is now based in Bradford , birthplace of his manager , Tom Moran , who moved in the Sixties first to Nigeria and then to Thailand as an engineer .
13 One of the reasons Mr Houghton and his managers cite for staying in the pots-and-pans business sounds pretty lame : namely that the business was handicapped in the 1980s first by a recession at the start of the decade and then later by a strong dollar and so could now recover .
14 can you just alter the third one to the thirty first of August ninety three ?
15 I the defendant Doctor David against a decision of the taxing master , taxing master of right , er given on the thirteenth of August nineteen ninety three , whereby the taxing master disallowed interest on plaintiff 's bill of the cost in the action for a period from the first of November nineteen ninety one to the twenty seventh of May nineteen ninety three , the defendant in his notice of appeal , claims that the taxing master should have disallowed interest for a longer period , in addition to the period he actually al disallowed int namely there should be additional disallowance for the period from the twenty forth of April nineteen ninety one to the thirty first of October nineteen ninety one or for such other periods as the court deems just .
16 It is certainly in keeping with Luke 's attitude to the poor to present the news of the birth to the poor first of all .
17 This could be on the basis of multi-member constituencies and some form of proportional representation or on the existing first past the post system .
18 Sir , I apologise , I was going by this figure made by which indicated that it expired on the thirty first of March , I think and in fact , that is a an error on the officer 's part it would appear from the licensing authorities in fact , it expired at the end of May .
19 I was going by a brief statement made by the officer which indicated that it expired on the thirty first of March .
20 So for example if you finish on the thirty first of August , on the first of September the lump sum should be paid into your account .
21 So I mean if you were to finish on the thirty first of August then on the first of September .
22 April nineteen ninety one and ended on the thirty first of November .
23 The recommendations in paragraph ten er ask you to approve the capital programme and the revenue budget and the staffing for the committee and that , that 's the increase of the one post I mean I referred to you earlier and if the committee approves this budget , will put forward to the Policy and Resources Committee on the thirty first of January which will consolidate the budgets for all the er services and make final decisions on how that 's to be and reset for the next .
24 On the thirty first of August
25 Mr Deputy Speaker I beg to move that the local government finance report Wales nineteen ninety four to ninety five House of Commons paper number one six eight , which was laid before this house on the thirty first of January , be approved .
26 The we 're coming closer on the er figures for the er staff turnover and I believe that the four percent , which is easily achievable , on the thirty first of December nineteen ninety two the turnover savings were running just below four percent , alright we just cut some of the post out of today 's budget but I still think if we give the wrong messages to the officers er we 're in danger of spending money that we do n't need to .
27 You 're stood up for a number of offenses , the first of which is that on the twenty first of June nineteen eighty eight you , on the public road way in Accrington Road Worley used the mechanics of the vehicle when there was an excise licence in force , it 's an offence of the vehicles excise act in nineteen seventy one .
28 Also , that on the twenty first of June you 've used the motor vehicle at Worley on Accrington Road when there was no test certificate in force .
29 Your worships er , these offenses arrived out of er what was , initially a road traffic accident which occurred on the twenty first of June er , when er , Mr 's vehicle came into collision with er , a vehicle that was erm stationary in the centre of the road waiting to turn right .
30 Er your worships , the one remaining summonses , the one relating to the fact that his vehicle er , was n't taxed at the time of the accident and , I think er he he will be aware his tax er , did run out at the end of May and this accident happened on the twenty first of June .
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